As any teacher or parent knows, adolescence is a time when youth grapple with the question, "Who am I?" Issues of race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexual orientation, and ability can complicate this question for young people, affecting their schoolwork and their relationships with teachers, family, and peers. This new edition of "Adolescents at School" builds and expands the strengths and insights of the much-acclaimed first edition. A uniquely practical, insightful, and jargon-free volume, "Adolescents at School" points to ways to foster the success of every student in schools and classrooms. Drawing from the perspectives of teachers, researchers, and administrators--and adolescents themselves--it examines the complex, changing identities young people manage while they confront the challenges of school. This book contains: (1) Identity and Possibility: Adolescent Development and the Potential of Schools (Michael Nakkula); (2) "Joaquin's Dilemma": Understanding the Link between Racial Identity and School-Related Behaviors (Pedro A. Noguera); Understanding "Acting White": What Educators Need to Know (Michael Sadowski); Listening to Minority Students: One District's Approach to Closing the Achievement Gap (Thomas Fowler-Finn); Opening the Dialogue about Race at School (Beverly Daniel Tatum); (3) Adolescents from Immigrant Families: Relationships and Adaptation in School (Carola Suarez-Orozco, Desiree Baolian Qin, and Ramona Fruja Amthor); "Desde Entonces, Soy Chicana": A Mexican Immigrant Student Resists Subtractive Schooling (Angela Valenzuela); (4) Model Minorities and Perpetual Foreigners: The Impact of Stereotyping on Asian American Students (Stacey J. Lee); (5) "Who am I as a Learner?" Would Boys and Girls Tend to Answer Differently? (Michelle Galley); "Getting the Message Across": Adolescent Girls and Note Writing (Theresa Squires Collins); (6) "I am Not Insane; I am Angry": Adolescent Masculinity, Homophobia, and Violence (Michael S. Kimmel); Male Adolescent Identity and the Roots of Aggression: A Conversation with James Garbarino (Darcia Harris Bowman); (7) Still in the Shadows? Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Students in U.S. Schools (Michael Sadowski); The Story of Matt, "Transgender Superhero" (Michael Sadowski); What's in a Label? Adolescents and "Queer" Identities (Arthur Lipkin); (8) Who Wins and Who Loses? Social Class and Student Identities (Ellen Brantlinger); Class and Identity in a Socioeconomically Diverse High School (A Discussion with Elaine Bessette, Joan Lowe, and Bill Quinn); (9) The Impact of Disability on Adolescent Identity (Michael L. Wehmeyer); Making Their Own Way: The Perspectives of Three Young People with Disabilities (Michael L. Wehmeyer); Multiple Intelligences in Adolescence (Howard Gardner); (10) A Question of "Faith": Adolescent Spirituality in Public Schools (Eric Toshalis); and (11) Beyond Categories: The Complex Identities of Adolescents (John Raible and Sonia Nieto). A foreword by Deborah Meier, an introduction titled "Real Adolescents" by Michael Sadowski, an afterword titled "From Understanding to Action: Ten Principles of Practice" by Michael Sadowski, and an index are included. [For the first edition, "Adolescents at School: Perspectives on Youth, Identity, and Education", see ED474879.]