We analyzed the effect of hydroxyurea on the JAK2V617F allelic ratio (%JAK2V617F), measured in purified blood granulocytes, of patients with polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia. Thirty-six patients were examined sequentially prior to and after start of hydroxy-urea therapy (8 polycythemia vera, 17 essential thrombocythemia), or while remaining untreated (2 polycythemia vera, 9 essential thrombocythemia). Hydroxyurea therapy (median duration: 15 months) reduced the %JAK2V617F by >30% in 13/25 patients (4 polycythemia vera, 9 essential thrombocythemia). For 3 patients, JAK2V617F remained undetectable for 3–27 months. In addition, a single time point study of two large cohorts of patients, examined either at the time of diagnosis (99 polycythemia vera, 178 essential thrombocythemia) or while receiving hydroxyurea (36 polycythemia vera, 98 essential thrombocythemia; median length of therapy: 32 months), confirmed reduction of %JAK2V617F in the hydroxyurea-treated group (24% vs. 33% JAK2V617F at diagnosis, p