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1. Systems of innovation: Path of economic transition and differences in institutions in central and Eastern Europe?

2. The elusive quest for balanced regional growth from Barlow to Brexit: Lessons from partitioning regional employment growth in Great Britain.

3. The comparative study of China's mega‐city regions: A perspective of competitiveness.

4. Economic development incentive program deadweight: The role of program design features, firm characteristics, and location.

5. Taking the systems approaches out of their comfort zones: Perspectives from under explored contexts.

6. The Importance of Integrating Supply‐Side Factors in Economic Base Models.

7. Do Administrative Boundaries Matter for Uneven Economic Development? A Case Study of China's Provincial Border Counties.

8. Race, Place, and the Persisting Income Divide in the U.S. Southeast, 2000-2014.

9. The End of the Nuclear Era: Nuclear Decommissioning and Its Economic Impacts on U.S. Counties.

10. City economic development, housing availability, and migrants' settlement intentions: Evidence from China.

11. Spatial Clusters in EU Productivity Growth.

12. Evolutionary Economic Geography for OFCs: Do Political Ties to the Onshore Reduce Capital Inflow Volatility?

13. Does cultural diversity contribute to the sustainable development of trade? Empirical evidence from 288 Chinese cities.

14. Advancing the treatment of human agency in the analysis of regional economic development: Illustrated with three Norwegian cases.

15. The threshold effect of the efficiency of science and technological services on regional environmental governance in China.

16. The faster the better? Economic effects of the speed of inter‐city technology transfer in China.

17. Sustainable urbanization in Southeast Asia and beyond: Challenges of population growth, land use change, and environmental health.

18. Applying the ecosystem model in a new context? The case of business incubation in Oman.

19. High-Growth Firms in the Southern U.S.: Where is the Growth?

20. What does the character of urban technology reveals about convergence versus divergence of innovation in China?—A technical lens to evaluate regional economic development.

21. Impact of Accessibility and Knowledge Creation on Local and Regional Development in Turkey.

22. The launch and evolution of a technology‐based economy: The case of Austin Texas.

23. Innovating in less developed regions: What drives patenting in the lagging regions of Europe and North America.

24. Entrepreneurship, Family Ties, and Land Inequality: Evidence from Italy.

25. Physical Capital, Human Capital, and Social Capital: The Changing Roles in China's Economic Growth.

26. Big or Small Cities? On city size and economic growth.

27. The Direct and Indirect (Spillover) Effects of Productive Government Spending on State Economic Growth.

28. Different Institutions, Distinctive Trajectories? Revisiting Maritime Industrial Development Areas with Cases on China's Liaoning Coast.

29. Does Administrative Status Matter for Urban Growth? Evidence from Present and Former County Capitals in East Germany.

30. Innovation Expectations and Patenting in Private and Public R&D Projects.

31. Creative Industries and Regional Productivity Growth in the Developing Economy: Evidence from Indonesia.

32. The Role of Pre-Entry Experience of Firm Founders in Peripheral Regions: Routines, Business Contacts, and Local Starting Conditions.

33. New Immigrants Seeking New Places: The Role of Policy Changes in the Regional Distribution of New Immigrants to Canada.

34. Innovation and Regional Growth in Mexico: 2000-2010.

35. Institutional environment, development model transformation and North–South economic disparity in China.

36. Urban Employment in Small Businesses and the Level of Economic Development: Evidence from Chinese Cities.

37. Analysis of spatiotemporal variations and effects of regional functions in rural China.

38. The influence of spatial interfaces on rural economic restructuring in rapidly industrializing areas: A case study of Gongyi city in central China.

39. Revisiting Inequality and Growth: Evidence for Developing Countries.

40. The Dynamic Effects of Entrepreneurship on Regional Economic Growth: Evidence from Canada.

41. Analysis of the impact of school performance on income inequality in the long run: An application to Chilean municipalities.

42. Characterizing functionally integrated regions in the Central Yangtze River Megaregion from a city‐network perspective.

43. Spatio‐temporal pattern evolution and spatial spillover effect of green development efficiency: Evidence from Shandong Province, China.

44. An infatuation with building things: Business strategies, linkages, and small city economic development in Manitoba.

45. Explaining urban economic growth through cluster complementarity.

46. Tax increment financing: Capturing or creating growth?

47. The value of a craft brewery: On the relationship between craft breweries and property values.

48. Regional inequality: An analysis under the core–peripheral model.

49. The impact of R&D and knowledge spillovers on the economic growth of Russian regions.

50. Regional inequalities in comprehensive development in China from 1992 to 2013: Comparative estimation based on statistical and DMSP/OLS data.