
Showing total 7 results
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1. A comparative study of different temperature accumulation methods for predicting the start of the Quercus pollen season in Cordoba (South West Spain).

2. Multiple regression models for predicting total daily pollen concentration in Cartagena.

3. Pollen morphology of endemic species of the Gonospermum Less., Lugoa DC. and Tanacetum L. complex (Asteraceae: Anthemideae) in the Canary Islands (Spain), and its taxonomical implications.

4. Biometeorological characterization of the winter in north-west Spain based on Alnus pollen flowering.

5. Temporal and spatial distribution of atmospheric Poaceae pollen in Catalonia (NE Spain) in 1996-2001.

6. Airborne olive pollen in Vigo (Northwest Spain): a survey to forecast the onset and daily concentrations of the pollen season.

7. Pollen production of the genus Cupressus.