
Showing total 103 results
103 results

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1. Multi‐Decadal Variability of Amundsen Sea Low Controlled by Natural Tropical and Anthropogenic Drivers.

2. Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Arctic Cloud Feedbacks: A Comparison of Diagnostic Methods.

3. Atmospheric Rivers in the Eastern and Midwestern United States Associated With Baroclinic Waves.

4. Mass‐Conserving Downscaling of Climate Model Precipitation Over Mountainous Terrain for Water Resource Applications.

5. Colder Eastern Equatorial Pacific and Stronger Walker Circulation in the Early 21st Century: Separating the Forced Response to Global Warming From Natural Variability.

6. The Role of Anthropogenic Forcing in Western United States Hydroclimate Extremes.

7. Cluster‐Based Evaluation of Model Compensating Errors: A Case Study of Cloud Radiative Effect in the Southern Ocean.

8. A Later Onset of the Rainy Season in California.

9. Estimates of Decadal Climate Predictability From an Interactive Ensemble Model.

10. Probabilistic UK Climate Projections Conditioned on Global Warming Levels.

11. A Novel Emergent Constraint Approach for Refining Regional Climate Model Projections of Peak Flow Timing.

12. Rethinking the Susceptibility‐Based Strategy for Marine Cloud Brightening Climate Intervention: Experiment With CESM2 and Its Implications.

13. Drivers of Changes to the ENSO–Europe Teleconnection Under Future Warming.

14. Why Do CO2 Quadrupling Simulations Warm More Than Twice as Much as CO2 Doubling Simulations in CMIP6?

15. Detection and Attribution of Human‐Perceived Warming Over China.

16. No Emergence of Deep Convection in the Arctic Ocean Across CMIP6 Models.

17. The Influence of Climate Feedbacks on Regional Hydrological Changes Under Global Warming.

18. The Projected Poleward Shift of Tropical Cyclogenesis at a Global Scale Under Climate Change in MRI‐AGCM3.2H.

19. Enhanced Impacts of ENSO on the Southeast Asian Summer Monsoon Under Global Warming and Associated Mechanisms.

20. Fast and Slow Responses of Atmospheric Energy Budgets to Perturbed Cloud and Convection Processes in an Atmospheric Global Climate Model.

21. Volcanic Eruptions: A Source of Irreducible Uncertainty for Future Climates.

22. Revisiting the Potential to Narrow Model Uncertainty in the Projections of Arctic Runoff.

23. Implications of Warm Pool Bias in CMIP6 Models on the Northern Hemisphere Wintertime Subtropical Jet and Precipitation.

24. The Relationship Between the Present‐Day Seasonal Cycles of Clouds in the Mid‐Latitudes and Cloud‐Radiative Feedback.

25. Arctic Sea Ice Causes Seasonal Differences in the Response of Arctic Water Vapor to Climate Warming in the CMIP6 Model, HadGEM3‐GC3.1.

26. Projected Changes in Hot, Dry, and Compound Hot‐Dry Extremes Over Global Land Regions.

27. North‐West Europe Hottest Days Are Warming Twice as Fast as Mean Summer Days.

28. 21st Century Scenario Forcing Increases More for CMIP6 Than CMIP5 Models.

29. Model Projections of Increased Severity of Heat Waves in Eastern Europe.

30. Detecting Changes in Global Extremes Under the GLENS‐SAI Climate Intervention Strategy.

31. Using CMIP6 Models to Assess the Significance of the Observed Trend in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation.

32. Heat Stress During Arba'een Foot‐Pilgrimage (World's Largest Gathering) Projected to Reach "Dangerous" Levels Due To Climate Change.

33. Sahel Rainfall Projections Constrained by Past Sensitivity to Global Warming.

34. How Unexpected Was the 2021 Pacific Northwest Heatwave?

35. Showcasing MESMER‐X: Spatially Resolved Emulation of Annual Maximum Temperatures of Earth System Models.

36. CMIP5 and CMIP6 Model Projection Comparison for Hydrological Impacts Over North America.

37. Thunderstorm Activity Under Intermediate and Extreme Climate Change Scenarios.

38. Annual Mean Arctic Amplification 1970–2020: Observed and Simulated by CMIP6 Climate Models.

39. Increasing Inhomogeneity of the Global Oceans.

40. Antarctic Sea Ice Projections Constrained by Historical Ice Cover and Future Global Temperature Change.

41. A Change in Climate State During a Pre‐Industrial Simulation of the CMIP6 Model HadGEM3 Driven by Deep Ocean Drift.

42. No Internal Connections Detected Between Low Frequency Climate Modes in North Atlantic and North Pacific Basins.

43. CMIP6 MultiModel Evaluation of Present‐Day Heatwave Attributes.

44. Extreme Water Vapor Transport During the March 2021 Sydney Floods in the Context of Climate Projections.

45. Constraining the Date of a Seasonally Ice‐Free Arctic Using a Simple Model.

46. Sensitivity of Climate Feedbacks to Vertical Resolution in a General Circulation Model.

47. Spatial, Temporal, and Multivariate Bias in Regional Climate Model Simulations.

48. Opposite Responses of the Dry and Moist Eddy Heat Transport Into the Arctic in the PAMIP Experiments.

49. Larger Spatial Footprint of Wintertime Total Precipitation Extremes in a Warmer Climate.

50. Toward Narrowing Uncertainty in Future Projections of Local Extreme Precipitation.