
Showing total 13 results
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1. Multi‐Decadal Variability of Amundsen Sea Low Controlled by Natural Tropical and Anthropogenic Drivers.

2. Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Arctic Cloud Feedbacks: A Comparison of Diagnostic Methods.

3. Atmospheric Rivers in the Eastern and Midwestern United States Associated With Baroclinic Waves.

4. Probabilistic UK Climate Projections Conditioned on Global Warming Levels.

5. A Novel Emergent Constraint Approach for Refining Regional Climate Model Projections of Peak Flow Timing.

6. Rethinking the Susceptibility‐Based Strategy for Marine Cloud Brightening Climate Intervention: Experiment With CESM2 and Its Implications.

7. Drivers of Changes to the ENSO–Europe Teleconnection Under Future Warming.

8. Why Do CO2 Quadrupling Simulations Warm More Than Twice as Much as CO2 Doubling Simulations in CMIP6?

9. Detection and Attribution of Human‐Perceived Warming Over China.

10. No Emergence of Deep Convection in the Arctic Ocean Across CMIP6 Models.

11. The Influence of Climate Feedbacks on Regional Hydrological Changes Under Global Warming.

12. The Projected Poleward Shift of Tropical Cyclogenesis at a Global Scale Under Climate Change in MRI‐AGCM3.2H.

13. Enhanced Impacts of ENSO on the Southeast Asian Summer Monsoon Under Global Warming and Associated Mechanisms.