12,482 results
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2. Note on Mr. Hills's Paper
3. So-called Amygdaloidal Gabbro, Skye: Comments on a paper by E. B. Bailey
4. Three Short Papers on Isostasy
5. V. ? Observations on Mr. S. S. Buckman's Paper on the Toarcian Of Bredon Hill
6. VII.—A Reply to Sir H. Howorth's Paper on 'Recent Changes of Level.'
7. Note on Mr. Hills's Paper
8. VIII.—Observations on Mr. Robert Mallet's Paper on Volcanic Energy in the Philosophical Transactions for 1873, page 147
9. VI.—Brachiopod Morphology: Notes and Comments on Dr. J. Allan Thomson's Papers
10. III.—The Guadalupian Fauna. By G. H. Girty, United States Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 58, 1908
11. Some Remarks on the Report of Professor Owen's Paper on Fish Remains Founs in the Northumberland Coal-Field
12. Three Short Papers on Isostasy
13. So-called Amygdaloidal Gabbro, Skye: Comments on a paper by E. B. Bailey
14. Pleistocene chronology: new evidence - Karl K. Turekian (Ed.) 1971. Late Cenozoic Glacial Ages. 21 papers delivered at an international symposium at Yale (Silliman Memorial Lectures) in 1969. 606 pp., numerous figs. Yale University Press, London. Price £9
15. Geologie Von Europa, Band 2, Teil. By S. Von Bubnoff. pp. 693–1134, with 9 folders and 44 text-figures. Borntraeger, Berlin, 1935. Price 32 RM. in paper cover
16. II.—Geology of India - General Report of the Geological Survey of India for 1906, by T. H. HollandF.R S., F.G.S.,, Director. The Mineral Production of India during 1905, by T. D. LatoucheB.A., F.G.S. Numerous papers of Indian Geology by Officers of the Geological Survey of India.—All the above extracted from the 'Records.'
17. Shinyanga Diamond Fields: Geol. Sur. Depart., Tanganyika Territory. E. O. Teale. Short Paper No. 9, pp. 35, Maps. Dar es Salaam, 1931. Price 4s. - The Kimberlite and Associated Occurrences of the Iramba Plateau. E. O. Teale. Short Paper No. 10, pp. 7, Map. Price 2s
18. V. — Observations on Mr. S. S. Buckman's Paper on the Toarcian Of Bredon Hill
19. III.—The Sgùrr of Eigg: some Comments on Mr. Bailey's Paper
20. VII.—Note on Mr. I. C. Russell's Paper on the Jordan-Arabah and the Dead Sea
21. VI.—Postscript to a Paper on the Post-Pliocene Formations of the Isle of Man
22. II.—Memoirs of the Geological Survey: England and Wales - 1.—The Geology of the Country near Chichester. (Explanation of Sheet 317.) By Clement Reid F.R.S., F.G.S., etc.; wih contributions by G. W. Lamplugh F.G.S., and A. J. Jukes-Browne, F.G.S. 8vo; pp. iv and 52, paper cover; price 1s. 1903. Colour-printed sheets, No. 317, price 1s. 6d. - 2.—The Geology of the Country near Torquay. (Explanation of Sheet 350.) By W. A. E. Ussher F.G.S. 8vo; pp. iv and 142, paper cover; price 2s. 1903. [The map (New Series, No. 350) was publisher in 1898; the pesent memoir is issued as an explanation of the map.]
23. J. Verhoogen, F. J. Turner, L. E. Weiss, C. Wahrhaftic & W. S. Fyfe 1970. The Earth—an Introduction to physical geology. vii + 748 pp., figs. Holt, Rinehart & Winston Inc., New York, Toronto, London, Sydney, etc. Price $13.95. - I. G. Gass, Peter J. Smith & R. C. L. Wilson (Eds). 1971. Understanding the Earth. 355 pp., many figs. Artemis Press (for the Open University), Sussex. Price £3.50; paper back £2.10. - Preston Cloud. (Ed.). 1970. Adventures in Earth History—significant writings from original sources from the time of Nicolaus Steno to present. xv + 992 pp., numerous figs. W. H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco. Price $8.95
24. The Phanerozoic Time-Scale—A Symposium Dedicated to Professor Arthur Holmes. Edited by W. B. Harland, A. Gilbert Smith and B. Wilcock. Pp. viii + 458. Geological Society of London, 1964. Price £5 bound, £4 paper-back
25. N. F. Hughes (Ed.) 1973. Organisms and Continents through Time: a Symposium. Special Papers in Palaeontology, No. 12. vi + 334 pp., 132 text-figs. Palaeontological Association, London. Price £10
26. II.—The Transportation of Débris by Running Water. By G. K. Gilbert. United States Geological Survey, Professional Paper 86. pp. 263. 1914
27. Diskordanz und Orogenese der Gebirge am Mittelmeer. By Wilfried Von Seidlitz. pp. xxiv + 649, with 14 plates and 140 figures in the text. Berlin: Gebrüder Borntraeger, 1931. 75 marks (bound). - Das alpine Europa und sein Rahmen. By L. Kober. pp. 310, with 3 plates and 33 figures in the text. Berlin: Gebrüder Borntraeger, 1931. 20 marks (in paper); 22 marks (bound)
28. Continental Drift. Edited by G. D. Garland. Royal Society of Canada Special Publications No. 9. Pp. ix + 140 (9 papers), with 15 figs. (3 in back pocket). Toronto Univ. Press; Oxford Univ. Press, London; 1966. Price 48s
29. VIII.—Criticisms on Recent Papers about Faults.
30. VII.—Note on Mr. I. C. Russell's Paper on the Jordan-Arabah and the Dead Sea
31. III.—The Sgùrr of Eigg: some Comments on Mr. Bailey's Paper
32. I.—The Dublin Quarterly Journal of Science, containing Papers read before the Royal Dublin Society, the Royal Irish Academy, the Royal Geological Society of Ireland, and the Natural History Society of Dublin. Edited by the Rev. S. Haughton, M.D., F.R.S., etc. Nos. 19 and 20, July and October 1865.
33. II.—Memoirs of the Geological Survey of England and Wales - 1.—The Geology of the South Wales Coalfield. Part III: The country around Cardiff, being an account of the region comprised in Sheet 263 of the Map. By Aubrey StrahanM.A., F.G.S., and T. C. Cantrill, B.Sc. 8vo; pp. vi and 148, with 13 text figures. (London: E. Stanford (or of Messrs. Dulau & Co., 37, Soho Square, W.), 1902. In paper wrapper, price 2s. 3d.) - 3.—The Geology of the Isle of Man. By G. W. Lamplugh, F.G.S. With Petrological Notes, by Professor W. W. WattsM.A., F.G.S,. 8vo; pp. xiv and 620, with a geologically coloured map. Printed for H.M. Stationery Office. (London: E. Stanford (or of Messrs. Dulau & Co., 37, Soho Square, W.), 1903. Bound in cloth, price 12s.)
34. VI.—Postscript to a Paper on the Post-Pliocene Formations of the Isle of Man
35. Report on the Geological Character of Barossa and Para Wirra, South Australia. - Notes, Etc., Explanatory of Parliamentary Paper No. 178, With a Geological Map of Pira Wirra and Barossa Reserves. By Henry Y. Lyell Brown, F.G.S., Government Geologist, assisted by Harry Page Woodward, F.G.S. Folio. (Adelaide, 1886.)
36. Recent Papers on the Durham Coalfield
37. II.—Papers and Notes on The Glacial Geology Of Great Britain and Ireland. By The Late Henry Carvill Lewis, M.A., F.G.S.; Professor of Mineralogy in the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and Professor of Geology in Haverford College, U.S.A. Edited from his unpublished MSS., with an Introduction by Henry W. Crosskey, LL.D., F.G.S. (London and New York: Longmans, Green, and Co. 1894.)
38. IX.—The Upper Cretaceous and Eocene Floras of South Carolina and Georgia. By E. W. Berry. United States Geological Survey, Professional Paper 84, pp. 200, pls. xxix, 1914.
39. VI.—Supplement to the Paper on West Indian Tertiary Fossils
40. Dr. Feistmantel's Paper on the Gondwana Series
41. Ilemenite, Monazite, and Zircon and Gems and Semi-Precious Stones of Ceylon. By D. N. Wadia and L. J. D. Fernando. Professional Paper 2, Deparment of Mineralogy, Ceylon, pp. 73 with 2 plates. Colombo, 1946.
42. VI.—Some American Papers on Volcanoes
43. V.—Annals of British Geology, 1892. A Digest of the Books and Papers Published During the Year—With Occasional Notes. By J. F. Blake, M.A., F.G.S. 8vo. pp. 310, with 100 Illustrations. (London: Dulau & Co. 1893.)
44. II.—The Transportation of Débris by Running Water. By G. K. Gilbert. United States Geological Survey, Professional Paper 86. pp. 263. 1914.
45. The Glacial Geology of Holderness and the Vale of York. By Sidney Melmore. 96 pp., with 8 maps and 16 other text-figures. Sold by the Author, 61 Carr Lane, Acomb, York. Price post free, 4s. in paper covers; 5s. in cloth.
46. III.—Geology of India - General Report of the Geological Survey of India for 1906, by T. H. Holland F.R.S., F.G.S., Director. The Mineral Production of India during 1905, by T. D. Latouche B.A., F.G.S., The Geology of the State of Panna, Principally with reference to the Diaond-bearing Deposits, by E. Vredenburg, A.R.C.S., F.G.S.; also numerous papers on Indian Geology by the same author. A Preliminary Survey of certain Glaciers in the North-West Himálaya, by Officers of the Geological Survey of India.—All the above extracted from the “Records”.
47. Cambridge University Examination Papers. Geological maps reprinted from the Natural Sciences Tripos. Parts I and II, 1911–1924. pp. 24, Camb. Univ. Press. Price 1s.
48. Mr. Watts's Paper on the Tardree Perlite
49. Some Remarks on the Report of Professor Owen's Paper on Fish Remains Founs in the Northumberland Coal-Field.
50. II.—Æolian Deposits - [Alexandra Ivchenko's papers (in Russian, with abstract in French) will be found, illustrated, in Khrishtafovich's Ezheiodnika no Gheol. i Min. Rossii (Ann. géol. et min. Russie), xii, pp. 146–70, 1909.]
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