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1. The Intimate and the Imperial: Filipino‐American Marriages and Transnational Mobility between the US and the Philippines, 1930–46.

2. 'It is Not Good for the Man to Be Alone?' Irish Protestant Missionary Bachelorhood and Changes in Missionary Marriage Trends in the Late Nineteenth Century.

3. 'To Lay Aside All Morals': Respectability, Sexuality and Black College Students in the United States in the 1930s.

4. Womanliness in the Slums: A Free Kindergarten in Early Twentieth-Century Edinburgh.

5. Emotions, Marital Conflict and Affect in the Multicultural Social Welfare Encounter.

6. The Arrival of Foreign Female Domestic Servants in Antwerp and the Role of Compatriots and Relatives as Intermediaries, 1860–1880.

7. Home and Away: The Flight from Domesticity in Late-Nineteenth-Century England Re-visited.

8. Common Soldiers, Same-Sex Love and Religion in the Early Eighteenth-Century British Army.

9. 'Give Me Chastity': Masculinity and Attitudes to Chastity and Celibacy in the Middle Ages.

10. Education and Empowerment: Cosmopolitan Education and Irish Women in the Early Nineteenth Century.

11. Gendered Perspectives on Men's Changing Familial Roles in Postwar England, <italic>c</italic>.1950–1990.

12. Ladies who Lounge: Class, Religion and Social Interaction in Seventeenth-Century Isfahan.

13. The Manly Mind? Revisiting the Victorian 'Sex in Brain' Debate.

14. Comment.

15. Forgotten Feminisms: Gender and the Nehru Household in Early-Twentieth-Century India.

16. Achilles or Adonis: Controversies Surrounding the Male Body as National Symbol in Georgian England.

17. Meanings of Fatherhood in Late-Medieval Montpellier: Love, Care and the Exercise of Patria Potestas.

18. Bodies of Evidence: Sex and Murder (or Gender and Homicide) in Early Modern England, c.1500-1680.

19. A Man '[a]s Black as the Devil Himself': The Radical Life of Benjamin J. Elmy, Secularist, Anti-Eugenicist and 'First-Wave' Feminist in Britain (1838-1906).

20. A Synthesis of Expertise and Expectations: Women Museum Scientists, Club Women and Populist Natural Science in the United States, 1890-1950.

21. Women's Social Networks and Female Friendship in the Ancient Greek City.

22. Squabbling Siblings: Gender and Monastic Life in Late Anglo-Saxon Winchester.

23. Do Women Need the Renaissance?

24. Agency, Periodisation and Change in the Gender and Women's History of Colonial India.

25. Feminist Translations in a Socialist Context: The Case of Yugoslavia.

26. New Sources and Questions for Research on Sexual Relations between Men in Eighteenth‐Century France.


28. Abstracts.

29. Conversion Trouble: The Alawis of Hadhramawt, Empire, Gender and the Problem of Sovereignty in Nineteenth-Century South India.

30. 'The World is Our Campus': Michigan State University and Cold-War Home Economics in US-occupied Okinawa, 1945-19721.

31. From Sentimentality to Science: Social Utility, Feminist Eugenics and The End of The Road in Progressive Era America.

33. Introduction: Gender and Reproduction.

34. Abstracts.

35. Violent Women: Photographic Evidence, Gender and Sexology in Wilhelmine and Weimar Germany.

36. Patriarchy as a Category of Historical Analysis and the Dynamics of Power: The Example of Early Modern Italy.

37. The Contradictions of Patriarchy in Early Modern England.

38. Indecently Exposed: The Male Body and Vagrancy in Metropolitan London before the <italic>Fin de Siècle</italic>.

39. Contested Practices, Human Rights, and Colonial Bodies in Pain: The UN's Gender Politics in Africa, 1940s–1960s.

40. ‘We Don't Want Any German Off‐Spring After These Prisoners Left Here’: German Military Prisoners and British Women in the First World War.

41. Customs in Common: Marriage, Law and the Making of Difference in Colonial Natal.

42. Private Lives, Public Spheres: Contesting Child Marriage at the Age of Independence in British Malaya, 1950.

43. Extralaboratory Life: Gender Politics and Experimental Biology at Radcliffe College, 1894-1910.

44. 'Innocence is as Innocence Does': Anglo-Irish Politics, Masculinity and the De Cobain Gross Indecency Scandal of 1891-3.

45. The Book of Marriage: Histories of Muslim Women in Twentieth-Century Australia.

46. Women in the Formal and Informal Economies of Late Eighteenth-Century Quebec, 1763-1830.

47. The Corporeal Empire: Physical Education and Politicising Children's Bodies in Late Colonial Bengal.

48. Becoming Men: Masculinities and the Juvenile Convict Institutions of Carters' Barracks and Point Puer in Nineteenth-Century Australia.


50. 'I Am a Slave Not a Wife': Slave Women in Post-Proclamation Gold Coast (Ghana).