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157 results

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1. The influence of the global COVID‐19 pandemic on manuscript submissions and editor and reviewer performance at six ecology journals.

2. Ecological connectivity research in urban areas.

4. Olfactory information saves venom during prey-capture of the hunting spider Cupiennius salei (Araneae: Ctenidae).

5. Functional Ecology: Instructions for Authors.

6. Functional Ecology: Instructions for Authors.

7. Functional Ecology: Instructions for Authors.

8. Interplay between paternal germline and maternal effects in shaping development: The overlooked importance of behavioural ecology.

9. Editorial.

10. Cover Picture and Issue Information.

11. Can plant-microbe-insect interactions enhance or inhibit the spread of invasive species?

12. Plant-soil feedbacks: connecting ecosystem ecology and evolution.

13. Effects of global warming on sensory ecology of rock lizards: increased temperatures alter the efficacy of sexual chemical signals.

15. Interactions among patch area, forest structure and water fluxes in a fog-inundated forest ecosystem in semi-arid Chile.

16. Co-evolution and the superorganism: switching cultivars does not alter the performance of fungus-gardening ant colonies.

17. Predicting the functional response of a farmland bird.

18. West, Brown and Enquist's model of allometric scaling again: the same questions remain.

19. Neutrality and the niche.

20. Differences between structural and functional environmental heterogeneity caused by seed dispersal.

21. Control of tiller recruitment in bunchgrasses: uniting physiology and ecology.

22. Fractal index captures the role of vegetation clumping in locust swarming.

23. Assessing the benefits of aggregation: thermal biology and water relations of anomalous Emperor Moth caterpillars.

24. Every hooked beak is maintained by a prey: Ecological signal in cephalopod beak shape.

26. Assessing the benefits of frugivory for seed germination: the importance of the deinhibition effect.

28. Extending the climatological concept of 'Detection and Attribution' to global change ecology in the Anthropocene.

29. Nutritional ecology, functional ecology and Functional Ecology.

30. Editorial.

31. Ecology eclipses phylogeny as a major driver of nematode parasite community structure in a graminivorous primate.

32. What explains vast differences in jumping power within a clade? Diversity, ecology and evolution of anuran jumping power.

33. Epigenetics in ecology and evolution.

34. Biological invasion: The influence of the hidden side of the (epi)genome.

35. Probing of mortality rate by staying alive: The growth‐reproduction trade‐off in a spatially heterogeneous environment.

36. Energetics meets sexual conflict: The phenology of hibernation in Tasmanian echidnas.

38. Rethinking coral reef functional futures.

39. The ecology of sexual conflict: Temperature variation in the social environment can drastically modulate male harm to females.

40. Eco‐evolutionary feedbacks—Theoretical models and perspectives.

41. The diversity of eco‐evolutionary dynamics: Comparing the feedbacks between ecology and evolution across scales.

42. Metabolic scaling of individuals vs. populations: Evidence for variation in scaling exponents at different hierarchical levels.

43. Contrasting effects of climate and population density over time and life stages in a long-lived seabird.

44. Relationships grow with time: a note of caution about energy expenditure-proxy correlations, focussing on accelerometry as an example.

45. Network size, structure and mutualism dependence affect the propensity for plant-pollinator extinction cascades.

46. Enclosed nests may provide greater thermal than nest predation benefits compared with open nests across latitudes.

48. The ecology of herbivore-induced silicon defences in grasses.

49. Soil-mediated eco-evolutionary feedbacks in the invasive plant Alliaria petiolata.

50. The ecological foundations of transmission potential and vector-borne disease in urban landscapes.