POLJIČAK-MILAS, Nina, MARENJAK, Terezija S., SLAVICA, Alen, JANICKI, Zdravko, FILIPOVIĆ, Natalija, and SRUK, Veno
The article presents a study which compared the hematological and biochemical values in pregnant and non-pregnant red deer, Cervus elaphus, and fallow deer, Dama dama, found in the Brijuni Islands of Croatia. The goal of the study was to evaluate the health of the deer populations. In both species a significant reduction of red blood cell count, hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit, and a higher concentration of triacylgliceride, cholesterol, creatinine and alanine aminotransferase activity were seen in pregnant animals. The article also discusses the differences between blood glucose values and lymphocyte count in the deer.