1. Legal Ideology and the Commons: Why are Jurists Falling Behind?
- Author
Valguarnera, Filippo, Valguarnera, Filippo, Valguarnera, Filippo, and Valguarnera, Filippo
- Abstract
The last quarter of a century has featured a surge in interest and studies on the commons, spearheaded, of course, by the efforts of Elinor Ostrom. These efforts have problematized the once well-established paradigm of the tragedy of the commons most clearly described by Garrett Hardin in 1968. One could say that the commons, thus, have become a fundamental field of study in most social sciences. This is not the case in the field of legal scholarship (with one noticeable exception that I will discuss later), which leads me to the overarching issue of this essay, namely the difficult relationship between jurists and the commons. The phrase “difficult relationship” does not refer to an explicit antagonism, but to something even worse: complete indifference and a scandalous lack of knowledge. While my main purpose is to try to explain this sorry state of affairs, I also hope to make a more general point on the nature of law and legal change. In this sense, the commons can be considered a case-study in legal theory. The main issue of this paper is to tackle following subquestions. What is the status of commons in the Western European legal discourse? Why do most legal scholars pay such a poor attention to the growing literature on the commons in other disciplines? What factors contribute to this peculiar case of cultural deafness? What promise of improvement does the future hold?, U poslednjih četvrt veka bili smo svedoci rasta interesovanja i istraživanja zajedničkih dobara koje je predvodila Elinor Ostrom. Ovi napori su doveli u pitanje prethodno ustanovljenu paradigmu tragedije zajedničkih dobara koja je najbolje izražena u radu Gareta Hardina iz 1968. godine. Moglo bi se reći da su u međuvremenu zajednička dobra postala sfera istraživanja od fundamentalne važnosti u društvenim naukama. To nije bio slučaj kada je reč o pravnoj misli (uzimajući u obzir da postoji jedan izuzetak koji će biti analiziran kasnije) i to je tema ovog eseja, naime, složeni odnos između zajedničkih dobara i pravnika. Izraz „složeni odnos“ ne treba da upućuje na otvoren antagonizam, već na nešto još gore: potpunu ravnodušnost i skandalozan nedostatak znanja. Iako je moj glavni cilj da ovde objasnim dato stanje stvari, namera mi je da takođe iznesem opštiju tvrdnju o prirodi prava i pravne promene. U tom smislu zajednička dobra se mogu uzeti kao studija slučaja u pravnoj teoriji. Ovaj članak će razmotriti sledeća potpitanja. Koji status zajednička dobra imaju u zapadno-evropskom pravnom diskursu? Zbog čega većina pravnih mislilaca obraća tako malo pažnje na rastuću literaturu o zajedničkim dobrima? Koji faktori su na delu u ovom čudnom slučaju kulturnog slepila? Da li postoje razlozi da u budućnosti dođe do promene u tom pogledu?
- Published
- 2018