
Showing total 29 results
29 results

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1. Identities and derivative formulas for the combinatorial and Apostol-Euler type numbers by their generating functions

2. Hereditary properties of semi-separation axioms and their applications

3. The Pb-cone metric spaces over Banach algebra with applications

4. Some fixed point results in a strong probabilistic metric spaces

5. On involutes of order k of a null Cartan curve in Minkowski spaces

6. The polar-like decomposition and its applications

7. Coincidence and common fixed point results under generalized (A,S)f-contractions

8. Categorical properties of L-fuzzifying convergence spaces

9. Best proximity coincidence point theorems for generalized non-linear contraction mappings

10. On contact CR-submanifolds of a cosymplectic manifold

11. Approximation of functions by Favard-Szász-Mirakyan operators of max-product type in weighted spaces

12. Lie rough groups

13. Tauberian theorems for Cesàro summability of nth sequences

14. Partial soft separation axioms and soft compact spaces

15. Some results on best proximity points of cyclic Meir-Keeler contraction mappings

16. Generalized α-Meir-Keeler contraction mappings on Branciari b-metric spaces

17. New results for Srivastava’s λ-generalized Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta function

18. Some fixed point results for (β-ψ1-ψ2)-contractive conditions in ordered b-metric-like spaces

19. Fixed point results for multivalued hardy-rogers contractions in b-metric spaces

20. Majorization for subclasses of multivalent meromorphic functions defined through iterations and combinations of the Liu-Srivastava operator and a meromorphic analogue of the Cho-Kwon-Srivastava operator

21. On the construction of q-analogues for some positive linear operators

22. Ciric type nonunique fixed point theorems on b-metric spaces

23. A generalization of power and alternating power sums to any Appell polynomials

24. Fixed point theorems in complete modular metric spaces and an application to anti-periodic boundary value problems

25. Common fixed points of (α-ψ)- generalized rational multivalued contractions in dislocated quasi b-metric spaces and applications

26. Local function versus local closure function in ideal topological spaces

27. Soft ditopological spaces

28. Classes of fuzzy hyperideals

29. Generalizations of the Lagrange mean value theorem and applications