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51. A study on certain Köthe spaces

52. Numerical reckoning fixed points for Suzuki’s generalized nonexpansive mappings via new iteration process

53. On solvability of some boundary value problems for a biharmonic equation with periodic conditions

54. Coincidence and common fixed point results under generalized (A,S)f-contractions

55. Dynamical behaviors in a discrete fractional-order predator-prey system

56. Extended partial b-metric spaces and some fixed point results

57. Simulation type functions and coincidence points

58. Unique common fixed points for mixed contractive mappings on non-normal cone metric spaces over Banach algebras

59. Error estimations of Turán formulas with Gori-Micchelli and generalized Chebyshev weight functions

60. Ricci tensors on trans-Sasakian 3-manifolds

61. Hölder’s means and fixed points for multivalued nonexpansive mappings

62. On spaces defined by Pytkeev networks

63. Regular fuzzy equivalences on two - mode fuzzy Networksi

64. Nonlinear sequential fractional differential equations in partially ordered spaces

65. Meir-Keeler type contractions on modular metric spaces

66. A note on dieudonne complete spaces

67. A fixed point problem with constraint inequalities via a contraction in incomplete metric spaces

68. Certain family of integral operators associated with multivalent functions preserving subordination and superordination

69. Proximal point algorithms involving Cesàro type mean of total asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in CAT(0) spaces

70. Phillips operators preserving arbitrary exponential functions, eat, ebt

71. Combinatorial identities and sums for special numbers and polynomials

72. On Jensen’s type inequalities via generalized majorization inequalities

73. Generalized Hyers-Ulam stability for general additive functional equations on non-Archimedean random lie C*-algebras

74. Busemann-Petty problem for the i-th radial Blaschke-Minkowski homomorphisms

75. Generalization of Darbos fixed point theorem via SRμ-contractions with application to integral equations

76. Split equality common null point problem for Bregman quasi-nonexpansive mappings

77. Numerical solutions of the improved boussinesq equation by the galerkin quadratic B-spline finite element method

78. On stability of stochastic delay model for tumor-immune interaction

79. Multivalued φ contractions and fixed point theorems

80. Complete moment convergence for Sung’s type weighted sums of ρ*-mixing random variables

81. Approximation of functions by Favard-Szász-Mirakyan operators of max-product type in weighted spaces

82. Relationship between entire functions and their derivatives sharing small function except a set

83. New characterizations for the integral-type operator from BMOA to Bloch-type spaces

84. Difference schemes for the semilinear integral-differential equation of the hyperbolic type

85. Tauberian theorems for Cesàro summability of nth sequences

86. Reverse order law of Drazin inverse for bounded linear operators

87. Spectral properties of a fourth order eigenvalue problem with spectral parameter in the boundary conditions

88. Multivalued fixed point theorem in b-metric spaces and its application to differential inclusions

89. Soft bigeneralized topological spaces

90. On the paranormed space L(t) of double sequences

91. Properweak regular splitting and its application to convergence of alternating iterations

92. Coefficient estimates for some subclasses of m-fold symmetric bi-univalent functions

93. Nonreversible trees having a removable edge

94. Some general coefficient estimates for a new class of analytic and bi-univalent functions defined by a linear combination

95. Statistical deferred Cesàro summability and its applications to approximation theorems

96. Generalizations of the Aluthge transform of operators

97. On approximation properties of Baskakov-Schurer-Szász-Stancu operators based on q-integers

98. On generalization conformable fractional integral inequalities

99. Oscillations in difference equations with several arguments using an iterative method

100. A characterization of unbounded generalized meromorphic operators