The text 1 Samuel 3 has been oft studied from the perspective of the call. A deeper analysis reveals that an important theme is the discernment. The paper focuses on the theme of discernment and the answer to the divine call. The topic of discernment is a particularly current theme, especially in the context of the wide access to information and globalization. First, the study clarifies some concepts and terms. Who is Samuel? Why is he proposed as a model? What is the meaning of discernment? Secondly, I make an exegetical analysis of the text in 1 Samuel 3, in order to identify some characteristics of vocation: the call, the discernment of the divine will, and the mission. The final part sets out the implications. It will highlight the elements that render Samuel a symbol of discernment, with an emphasis on the theological and spiritual aspects and the application of the same to the existence of today man. As Samuel, the human being needs to listen, to discern and to act. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]