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1. Addressing energy density functionals in the language of path-integrals II: comparative study of functional renormalization group techniques applied to the (0+0)-D O(N)-symmetric φ4-theory.

2. Conformal symmetry and effective potential: II. Evolution.

3. AGATA DAQ-box: a unified data acquisition system for different experimental conditions.

4. Determination of asymptotic normalization coefficients for the channel 16O→α+12C. II. Excited states 16O(3-,2+,1-).

5. Study of the log-third-difference method for the computation of even-odd staggering in fission yields.

6. The carbon star mystery: 40 years later.

7. Collaboration with Dr. Efrem Sh. Soukhovitsukii: our fortuitous experiences on optical model analysis, his contribution to nuclear data activities of Japan and a posthumous study on light-nuclei.

8. Generic multi-particle transverse momentum correlations as a new tool for studying nuclear structure at the energy frontier.

9. Relativistic constraints on 3N contact interactions.

10. Actinide targets for the synthesis of superheavy nuclei.

11. Ab initio description of monopole resonances in light- and medium-mass nuclei: IV. Angular momentum projection and rotation-vibration coupling.

12. Measurement of total fission gamma spectrum of 252Cf(s.f.).

13. Radiative corrections in super rosenbluth experiments.

14. Research progress on advanced positron acceleration.

15. Parton distribution functions and fragmentation functions of spin-1 hadrons.

16. Accurate measurements of delayed neutron data for reactor applications: methodology and application to 235U(nth,f)

17. Large Nc QCD phase diagram at μB=0.

18. Possible structure of Tcs¯0(2900)++.

19. Temperature ratio RT = TL/TH of fully accelerated complementary fragments (used for TXE partition) obtained independently of prompt emission model calculations.

20. Graph algorithms with neutral atom quantum processors.

21. Franz Käppeler and evolutions in nuclear physics.

22. Lowest-order QED radiative corrections in unpolarized elastic electron–deuteron scattering beyond the ultra-relativistic limit for the proposed deuteron charge radius measurement at Jefferson laboratory.

23. On the relation between the soft and hard parts of the transverse momentum distribution.

24. Constraints on the in-medium nuclear interaction from chiral symmetry and lattice-QCD.

25. Quantum entanglement patterns in the structure of atomic nuclei within the nuclear shell model.

26. Multi-reference many-body perturbation theory for nuclei: II. Ab initio study of neon isotopes via PGCM and IM-NCSM calculations.

27. Multi-reference many-body perturbation theory for nuclei: I. Novel PGCM-PT formalism.

28. ADG: automated generation and evaluation of many-body diagrams: III. Bogoliubov in-medium similarity renormalization group formalism.

29. Double particle production in ultraperipheral PbPb collisions at the Large Hadron Collider and Future Circular Collider.

30. Study of damped oscillating structures from charged and neutral K-meson electromagnetic form factors data.

31. AGATA: Nuclear structure advancements with high-energy γ rays.

32. Search for the evidence of 209Bi(γ,p5n)203Pb reaction in 60 MeV bremsstrahlung beams.

33. NuHamil : A numerical code to generate nuclear two- and three-body matrix elements from chiral effective field theory.

34. Investigating nonflow contribution subtraction in d-Au collisions with AMPT model.

35. Recent experimental results in sub- and near-barrier heavy ion fusion reactions (2nd edition).

36. The role of Lattice QCD in searches for violations of fundamental symmetries and signals for new physics.

37. Prompt neutron emission calculations for the photon induced reactions of 238U and 232Th in the giant dipole resonance energy region.

38. Effects of shape/phase transition regions on neutron capture cross sections.

39. Ab initio description of monopole resonances in light- and medium-mass nuclei: III. Moments evaluation in ab initio PGCM calculations.

40. Retraction Note: Direct measurements of the 12C + 12C reactions cross-sections towards astrophysical energies.

41. Relevance of β-delayed neutron data for reactor, nuclear physics and astrophysics applications.

42. Advancements in software developments.

43. AGATA: performance of γ-ray tracking and associated algorithms.

44. Intermittency analysis in relativistic hydrodynamic simulations of heavy-ion collision at FAIR energies.

45. Low-energy nuclear reactions with stored ions: a new era of astrophysical experiments at heavy ion storage rings.

46. Addressing energy density functionals in the language of path-integrals I: comparative study of diagrammatic techniques applied to the (0 + 0)-D O(N)-symmetric φ4-theory.

47. Hypernuclei production with a modified coalescence model in BUU transport calculations.

48. Proton and neutron form factors with quark orbital excitations.

49. PANDA Phase One: PANDA collaboration.

50. Associated ϕ and J/Ψ photoproduction in ultraperipheral PbPb collisions at the Large Hadron Collider and Future Circular Collider.