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1. Preface: Rewriting Landmark Judgments of the European Court of Justice: A New Project for European Papers and a New Way of ‘Doing EU Law’

2. What Keck and Mithouard Should Have Said: Preventing Substantial Barriers to Market Access

3. Introduction: What Keck and Mithouard Actually Said – And Its Legacy

4. What Keck and Mithouard Should Have Said: 'Steady as She Goes, Left Hand Down a Bit?'

5. What Keck and Mithouard Should Have Said: It Could Have Been So Simple

6. What Keck and Mithouard Should Have Said: Same Same, but Different

7. The Inactive Integration Clause: Can Art. 12 TFEU Shape Future Sustainable Consumer Policies?

8. The EMU Rationale for Capital Markets Union

9. Enhancing Economic and Social Rights Within the Internal Market Through Recognition of the Horizontal Effects of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights

10. Sensibilité(s) européenne(s) et sensibilité animale: l’affaire Centraal Israëlitisch Consistorie van België e a.

11. Mutual Recognition and Mutual Trust in the Internal Market

12. Diritti dei passeggeri nel mercato aereo tra libera concorrenza e trasparenza tariffaria: brevi note a margine del caso Ryanair c. AGCM

13. Rethinking Solidarity in View of the Wanting Internal and External EU Law Framework Concerning Trade Measures in the Context of the COVID-19 Crisis

14. 'Getting Brexit Done': It Is Just the Beginning, not the End

15. Regulatory Competition in the EU: Foundations, Tools and Implications - Introduction

16. Regulating Tax Competition in the Internal Market: Is the European Commission Finally Changing Course?

17. Social Integration in EU Law: Content, Limits and Functions of an Elusive Notion - Introduction

18. Horizontal Federalism, Mutual Recognition and the Balance Between Harmonization, Home State Control and Host State Autonomy

19. Regulatory Trust in EU Free Movement Law: Adopting the Level of Protection of the Other?

20. Mutual Recognition and Mutual Trust: Reinforcing EU Integration? Introduction

21. Copyright Protection in the Digital Era: Hyperlinking and the Right of Communication to the Public. The GS Media Case

22. Il 'battesimo del fuoco' della direttiva sui prodotti del tabacco, tra esigenze di armonizzazione e di tutela della salute pubblica

23. Trade Secrets and Whistleblower Protection in the European Union

24. Conclusiones de la Abogado General Kokott en los asuntos contra la Directiva de los productos del tabaco: ¿Un paso al frente hacia una verdadera política de salud de la Unión Europea?