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1. The If and the How: Losing the EU Citizenship, but with Due Regard to the Due Process of (EU) Law

2. JY v Wiener Landesregierung: Adding Another Stone to the Case Law Built Up by the CJEU on Nationality and EU Citizenship

3. EU Citizenship: Some Systemic Constitutional Implications

4. The Entitlement of the European Union to Exercise Diplomatic Protection: An International Customary Law Perspective

5. Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Berlin: A Further Development of Extradition Rules of Union Citizens to Third Countries

6. On the Futility of Expelling Poor Union Citizens in an Open Border Europe

7. The European Form of Family Life: The Case of EU Citizenship

8. Bold, but Without Justification? Tjebbes

9. Residence Rights for EU Citizens and Their Family Members: Navigating the New Normal

10. The European Citizens' Initiative in Times of Brexit

11. EU Citizenship, Access to 'Social Benefits' and Third-Country National Family Members: Reflecting on the Relationship Between Primary and Secondary Rights in Times of Brexit

12. The Sale of Conditional EU Citizenship: The Cyprus Investment Programme Under the Lens of EU Law

13. The 'Dano Evolution': Assessing Legal Integration and Access to Social Benefits for EU Citizens

14. EU Citizenship and Loss of Member State Nationality

15. Distinguishing Between Use and Abuse of EU Free Movement Law: Evaluating Use of the 'Europe-route' for Family Reunification to Overcome Reverse Discrimination

16. EU Citizenship as a Means of Empowerment for Fundamental Rights During the Financial Crisis

17. Free Movement of Dual EU Citizens

18. EU Citizenship in Times of Brexit - Introduction

19. The Absence of Integration and the Responsibilisation of Union Citizenship

20. The Expressive Dimension of the Union Citizenship Expulsion Regime: Joined Cases C-331/16 and C-366/16, K and HF

21. Freedom of Movement, Social Integration and Naturalization: Testing Reverse Discrimination in the Recent Case Law of the Court of Justice

22. Social Integration in EU Law: Content, Limits and Functions of an Elusive Notion - Introduction

23. Is Toufik Lounes Another Brick in the Wall? The CJEU and the On-going Shaping of the EU Citizenship

24. Aleksei Petruhhin: Extradition of EU Citizens to Third States

25. Enforcing the Rule of Law in the EU. In the Name of Whom?

26. García Nieto: Another Restrictive Approach in the European Citizenship Case Law