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1. Do parties benefit from overhauling their image? The electoral consequences of ‘party rebranding’ in Europe.

2. Populist parties and the two‐dimensional policy space.

3. Contesting Covid: The ideological bases of partisan responses to the Covid‐19 pandemic.

4. Far‐right protest mobilisation in Europe: Grievances, opportunities and resources.

5. European ruling parties' electoral strategies and overseas enfranchisement policies.

6. Party survival in parliament: Explaining party durability in lower‐house parliaments.

7. Symbols of priority? How the media selectively report on parties’ election campaigns.

8. The electoral connection in staggered parliaments: Evidence from Australia, France, Germany and Japan.

9. Electoral infidelity: Why party members cast defecting votes.

10. Partisan effects in morality policy making.

11. Dodging the bullet: How crises trigger technocrat‐led governments.

12. Simple politics for the people? Complexity in campaign messages and political knowledge.

13. Failed expectations: Quality of government and support for populist parties in Europe.

14. Prescribing democracy? Party proscription and party system stability in Germany, Spain and Turkey.

15. State structure and political representation: Comparing the views of statewide and sub-state legislators across 14 countries.

16. Ethnic outbidding and nested competition: Explaining the extremism of ethnonational minority parties in Europe.

17. The construction of party membership.

18. Voter polarisation and party responsiveness: Why parties emphasise divided issues, but remain silent on unified issues.