
Showing total 18 results
18 results

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1. Sequence at the Site of Attachment of an Affinity-Label Derivative of Puromycin on 23-S Ribosomal RNA of <em>Escherichia coli</em> Ribosomes.

2. Substrate Specificity of Escherichia coli Peptidyl-Transferase.

3. Effect of Spermine on the Binding of Erythromycin to <em>Escherichia coli</em> Ribosomes and the Peptidyl-Transfer Reaction.

4. Partial release of AcPhe-Phe-tRNA from ribosomes during poly(U)-dependent poly(Phe) synthesis and the effects of chloramphenicol.

5. Reactivity of the P-site-bound donor in ribosomal peptide-bond formation.

6. Tetracycline can inhibit tRNA binding to the ribosomal P site as well as to the A site.

7. Analysis of the puromycin reaction.

8. About the specificity of photoinduced affinity labeling of <em>Escherichia coli</em> ribosomes by dihydrorosaramicin, a macrolide related to erythromycin.

9. Cooperative effects in the peptidyltransferase center of <em>Escherichia coli</em> ribosomes.

10. Quantitative Study of the Interaction of Formylmethionyl-tRNAfMet with Ribosomes of <em>Escherichia coli</em>.

11. Interaction of Arginine with the Ribosomal Peptidyl Transferase Centre.

12. Recognition of tRNA&supTrp; by Initiation Factors from <em>Escherichia coli</em>.

13. The Modification of the Peptidyl Transferase Activity of 50-S Ribosomal Subunits, LiCl-Split Proteins and L16 Ribosomal Protein by Ethoxyformic Anhydride.

14. Recognition of Initiation Codons in Modified f2 RNA by <em>Escherichia coli</em> Ribosomes.

15. Micrococcin: Acceptor-Site-Specific Inhibitor of Protein Synthesis.

16. Reaction of Puromycin with Chemically Prepared Peptidyl Transfer RNA.

17. The Effect of Antibiotics on the Coded Binding of Peptidyl-tRNA to the Ribosome and on the Transfer of the Peptidyl Residue to Puromycin.

18. Conditions Affecting the Dissociation Reaction <em>in vitro</em> of Rat-Liver Ribosomes.