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51. K8 and K12 are biotinylated in human histone H4.

52. Trypanosoma brucei oleate desaturase may use a cytochrome b5-like domain in another desaturase as an electron donor.

53. RNA-binding properties of HCF152, an Arabidopsis PPR protein involved in the processing of chloroplast RNA.

54. Purification, characterization and molecular cloning of tyrosinase from the cephalopod mollusk, Illex argentinus.

55. Chemosensory protein from the moth Mamestra brassicae.

56. Expression in yeast and tobacco of plant cDNAs encoding acyl CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase.

57. Pfmrk, a M015-related protein kinase from <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em>.

58. Rat pristanoyl-CoA oxidase.

59. The identification of the single-stranded DNA-binding domain of the <em>Escherichia coli</em> RecA protein.

60. Characterization of the gene for dbpA, a family member of the nucleic-acid-binding proteins containing a cold-shock domain.

61. Characterization and molecular cloning of a novel MUC1 protein, devoid of tandem repeats, expressed in human breast cancer tissue.

62. The solution structures of the first and second transmembrane-spanning segments of band 3.

63. Conservation analysis and structure prediction of the protein serine/threonine phosphatases.

64. Structure and dynamics of the acidic compact state of apomyoglobin by frequency-domain fluorometry.

65. Components of glycine reductase from Eubacterium acidaminophilum.

66. Tyrosine-kinase activity in rabbit platelets stimulated with platelet-activating factor.

67. The multifunctional folic acid synthesis fas gene of Pneumocystis carinii encodes dihydroneopterin aldolase, hydroxymethyldihydropterin pyrophosphokinase and dihydropteroate synthase.

68. Protein O-mannosylation in Candida albicans.

69. Stereospecificity of the interaction of porcine pancreatic phospholipase A[sub2] with micellar and monomeric inhibitors.

70. Calcium binding by chick calretinin and rat calbindin D28k synthesised in bacteria.

71. Extensive accumulation of an extracellular L-amino-acid oxidase during gametogenesis of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

72. Predicting the topology of eukaryotic membrane proteins.

73. Ribonucleases from the extreme thermophilic archaebacterium <em>S. solfataricus</em>.

74. Specificity of T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase toward phosphorylated synthetic peptides.

75. Effects of chemical modification of <em>Anabaena</em> flavodoxin and ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase on the kinetics of interprotein electron transfer reactions.

76. A novel calcium-binding protein from <em>Euglena gracilis</em>.

77. Characterization of <em>N</em>ω-phosphoarginine hydrolase from rat liver.

78. Purification and characterization of a thermostable proteinase isolated from <em>Thermus</em> sp. strain Rt41A.

79. Sequence of the <em>tuf A</em> gene encoding elongation factor EF-Tu from <em>Thermus aquaticus</em> and overproduction of the protein in <em>Escherichia coli</em>.

80. Large-scale purification and characterisation of a recombinant epidermal growth-factor receptor protein-tyrosine kinase.

81. The multimeric structure and disulfide-binding pattern of bovine <em>k</em>-casein.

82. Distinct forms of human CDC2 identified by novel monoclonal antibodies.

83. Periodic properties of proton conformational shifts in isolated protein helices.

84. Purification and biochemical characterization of a putative [6Fe-6S] prismane-cluster-containing protein from <em>Desulfovibrio vulgaris</em> (Hildenborough).

85. YmL9, a nucleus-encoded mitochondrial ribosomal protein of yeast, is homologous to L3 ribosomal proteins from all natural kingdoms and photosynthetic organelles.

86. Molecular cloning of a mouse 47-kDa heat-shock protein (HSP47), a collagen-binding stress protein, and its expression during the differentiation of F9 teratocarcinoma cells.

87. The distribution of charged amino acids in mitochondrial inner-membrane proteins suggests different modes of membrane integration for nuclearly and mitochondrially encoded proteins.

88. Purification and characterization of a binding protein related to the Z class of cytosolic proteins in guinea-pig liver cytosol (guinea-pig Z protein).

89. cDNA and gene sequences of wheat chloroplast sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase reveal homology with fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase.

90. Molecular cloning of the murine substance K and substance P receptor genes.

91. NMR studies of lantibiotics.

92. Identification of the cDNA clone which encodes the 58-kDa protein containing the amino acid sequence of rat liver non-specific lipid-transfer protein (sterol-carrier protein 2).

93. Isolation and characterisation of porcine sorbin.

94. Cell-free immunity in Cecropia.

95. Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of recombinant <em>Escherichia coli</em> glutaredoxin.

96. A family of bombinin-related peptides from the skin of <em>Bombina variegata</em>.

97. Analysis and nucleotide sequence of the genes encoding the surface-layer glycoproteins of the hyperthermophilic methanogens <em>Methanothermus fervidus</em> and <em>Methanothermus sociabilis</em>.

98. Some structural features of the iron-uptake regulation protein.

99. Cuttlefish sperm protamines: 2. Mass spectrometry of protamines and related peptides.

100. Amino acid and cDNA sequences of a methionine-rich 2S protein from sunflower seed (<em>Helianthus annuus</em> L.).