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1. Immunologial Detection of Specific Proteins in Total Cell Extracts by Fractionation in Gels and Transfer to Diazophenylthioether Paper.

2. Forthcoming papers.

3. <em>Forthcoming Papers</em>.

4. Forthcoming papers.

5. Forthcoming papers.

6. Forthcoming Papers.

7. Forthcoming papers.

8. Forthcoming Papers.

9. Forthcoming Papers.

10. Forthcoming papers.

11. Forthcoming papers.

12. Forthcoming Papers.

13. Isolation and Purification of a Neurodepressing Hormone from the Eyestalk of <em>Procambarus bouvieri</em> (Ortmann).

14. Forthcoming papers.

15. The Amino-Acid Sequence of the Three Smallest CNBr Peptide from <em>p</em>-Hydroxybenzoate Hydroxylase from <em>Pseudomonas fluorescens</em>.

16. Methylation Sites in HeLa Cell Ribosomal Proteins.

17. The Specificity Requirements of Bacteriophage T4 Lysozyme.

18. Assay of Collagen-Galactosyltransferase and Collagen-Glucosyltransferase Activities and Preliminary Characterization of Enzymic Reactions with Transferases from Chick-Embryo Cartilage.

19. Semi-Dry Electrophoretic Transfer System.

20. Prediction of protein structural class by amino acid and polypeptide composition.

21. Kinetics of endoglycoceramidase action toward cell-surface glycosphingolipids of erythrocytes.

22. Electron transfer between the hydrogenase from <em>Desulfovibrio vulgaris</em> (Hildenborough) and viologens. 2. Investigations by chronoamperometry.

23. Ion binding to cytochrome <em>c</em>.

24. Analysis of Histone H5 and Globin mRNAs in Chick-Embryo Developmenl.

25. Amino-Acid Sequence of the L-4 Light Chain of Chicken Skeletal-Muscle Myosin.

26. Amino-Acid Sequence of the L-1 Light Chain of Chicken Cardiac-Muscle Myosin.

27. Structural Studies on the Four Repetitive Fc-Binding Regions in Protein A from <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em>.

28. The Peptide Moiety of Blood-Group-Specific Glycoproteins.

29. Arginine ethylester prevents thermal inactivation and aggregation of lysozyme.

30. Responses of metabolic systems to large changes in enzyme activities and effectors.

31. Subunits of <em>Panulirus japonicus</em> hemocyanin 2. Cooperativity of the homogeneous hexamers.

32. Purification and properties of the soluble cytochromes <em>c</em>-550 and <em>c</em>-556 from the bacterium <em>Aquaspirillum itersonii</em>.

33. Linking protein kinase C to cell-cycle control.

34. Biosynthesis of N-acetylmannosaminuronic-acid-containing cell-wall polysaccharide of <em>Bacillus subtilis</em>.

35. The Roles of Sugar Phosphates and Thiol-Reducing Systems in the Control of Reticulocyte Protein Synthesis.

36. Expression of Vaccinia Virus Early mRNA in Ehrlich Ascities Tumor Cells 1. Translation of Cellular and Viral Early mRNA in Cell-Free Systems from Uninfected and Virus-Infected Cells at the Early Stage.

37. Covalent Structure of Turnip Peroxidase 7.

38. Effects of DNA on Microtubule Assembly.

39. Complete Amino-Acid Sequences of DNA-Binding Proteins HU-1 and HU-2 from <em>Escherichia coli</em>.

40. The Prosthetic Group of Citrate-Lyase Acyl-Carrier Protein.

41. Extracellular Enzyme System Utilized by the Fungus Sporotrichum pulverulentum (Chrysosporium lignorum ) for the Breakdown of Cellulose.

42. Quantitative Film Detection of 3H and 14C in Polyacrylamide Gels by Fluorography.

43. The Amino-Acid Sequence of Leghemoglobin Component <em>a</em> from <em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> (Kidney Bean).

44. Translation of Semliki-Forest-Virus 42-S RNA in a Mouse Cell-Free System to give Virus-Coat Proteins.

45. The optimization of protein secondary structure determination with infrared and circular dichroism spectra.

46. MINIREVIEW Genetic defects in fatty acid β-oxidation and acyl-CoA dehydrogenases Molecular pathogenesis and genotype–phenotype relationships.

47. Phenol hydroxylase from Acinetobacter radioresistens S13.

48. Defective translocation of a signal sequence mutant in a prlA4 suppressor strain of Escherichia coli.

49. Prediction of protein–protein interaction sites in heterocomplexes with neural networks.

50. Rapid, ATP-dependent degradation of a truncated D1 protein in the chloroplast.