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1. Forthcoming papers.

2. Forthcoming Papers.

3. Forthcoming papers.

4. The amino acid sequence of a δ light chain presenting abnormal physicochemical and antigenic features.

5. The Amino-Acid Sequence of the Three Smallest CNBr Peptide from <em>p</em>-Hydroxybenzoate Hydroxylase from <em>Pseudomonas fluorescens</em>.

6. β-Crystallin: endogenous substrate of lens transglutaminase. Characterization of the acyl-donor site in the βBp chain.

7. The Peptide Moiety of Blood-Group-Specific Glycoproteins.

8. Purification and properties of the soluble cytochromes <em>c</em>-550 and <em>c</em>-556 from the bacterium <em>Aquaspirillum itersonii</em>.

9. Structure of bacillomycin F, a new peptidolipid antibiotic of the iturin group.

10. Complete Amino-Acid Sequences of DNA-Binding Proteins HU-1 and HU-2 from <em>Escherichia coli</em>.

11. Amino Acid Sequence Studies of Horseradish Peroxidase.

12. The Amino-Acid Sequence of Leghemoglobin Component <em>a</em> from <em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> (Kidney Bean).

13. The Covalently Bound Flavin of <em>Chromatium</em> Cytochrome c552.

14. The predominant protein in peroxisomal cores of sunflower cotyledons in a catalase that differs in primary structure from the catalase in the peroxisomal matrix.

15. Characterization of centrin genes in Paramecium.

16. A purification method and <em>N</em>-gIycosylation sites of a 36-cysteine-containing, putative cell/cell adhesion glycoprotein gp64 of the cellular slime mold, <em>Polysphondylium pallidum</em>.

17. Removal of <em>N</em>-acetyl groups from blocked peptides with acylpeptide hydrolase: Stabilization of the enzyme and its application to protein sequencing.

18. cDNA cloning and expression of the mRNA for cytochrome <em>P</em>-450kd which shows a fatty acid ω-hydroxylating activity.

19. Two of the three genetic variants of goat αs1-casein which are synthesized at a reduced level have an internal deletion possibly due to altered RNA splicing.

20. cDNAs from neurosecretory cells of brains of <em>Locusta migratoria</em> (Insects, Orthoptera) encoding a novel member of the superfamily of insulins.

21. Purification, characterization and revised amino acid sequence of a second thioredoxin from <em>Corynebacterium nephridii</em>.

22. Primary structure of the uracil transport protein of <em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</em>.

23. Isolation and localization of filamin in heart muscle.

24. Sequence of the 5′-end quarter of the human-thyroglobulin messenger ribonucleic acid and of its deduced amino-acid sequence.

25. Different consequences of incorporating chloroplast ribosomal proteins L12 and S18 into the bacterial ribosomes of Escherichia coli.

26. Substrate specificity of cathepsins D and E determined by N-terminal and C-terminal sequencing of peptide pools.

27. Patterns of Amino Acids near Signal-Sequence Cleavage Sites.

28. The Primary Structure of Hen Ovotransferrin.

29. Study of a Zone Highly Sensitive to Proteases in Flavocytochrome b2 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

30. Systematic Application of Two-Dimensional [sup1]H Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance Techniques for Studies of Proteins.

31. A New Semi-empirical Method for the Determination of the Subunit Molecular Weight of a Protein.

32. The Amino Acid Sequence of Mouse Pancreatic Ribonuclease.

33. Nucleotide Sequence of the Simian Virus 40 <em>Hind</em>II + III Restriction Fragment D and the Total Amino Acid Sequence of the Late Proteins VP2 and VP3.

34. Determination of the Primary Structure of a Mouse IgG2a Immunoglobulin.

35. Determination of the Primary Structure of a Mouse IgG2a Immunoglobulin.

36. Isolation, characterization, and sequence analysis of a cDNA clone encoding L-protein, the dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase component of the glycine cleavage system from pea-leaf mitochondria.

37. 7-<em>O</em>-(2-Amino-2-deoxy-α-D-glucopyranosyl)-L-<em>glycero</em>-D-<em>manno</em>-heptose.

38. The Covalently Bound Flavin of <em>Chromatium</em> Cytochrome c552.

39. Production and characteristics of human tissue plasminogen-activator antibodies with region-oriented synthetic peptides.

40. The cDNA and protein sequences of mouse lactate dehydrogenase B.

41. The sequence-specific assignment of the 1H-NMR spectrum of an enzyme, horse-muscle acylphosphatase.

42. Primary and tertiary structures of the first domain of <em>Panulirus interruptus</em> hemocyanin and comparison of arthropod hemocyanins.

43. The soluble <em>c</em>-type cytochromes from the bacterium <em>Aquaspirillum itersonii</em>.

44. Covalent flavinylation of 6-hydroxy-D-nicotine oxidase analyzed by partial deletions of the gene.

45. Primary structures of mutationally altered ribosomal protein L7/L12 and their effects on cellular growth and translational accuracy.

46. Cloning and nucleotide sequence of a cDNA encoding the precursor of the barley toxin α-hordothionin.

47. Isolation, characterization, and N-terminal sequence studies of cuticular proteins from the migratory locust, <em>Locusta migratoria</em>.

48. The primary structure of ribosomal protein L2 from <em>Bacillus stearothermophilus</em>.

49. The amino acid sequence of snapping turtle (<em>Chelydra serpentina</em>) ribonuclease.

50. Determination of the complete amino-acid sequence of porcine miniplasminogen.