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2. The Determination of the Order of Lysine-containing Tryptic Peptides of Proteins by Diagonal Paper Electrophoresis.

3. Prediction of protein structural class by amino acid and polypeptide composition.

4. Covalent Structure of Turnip Peroxidase 7.

5. Biosynthesis of Melittin, a Toxic Peptide from Bee Venom.

6. The Covalently-Bound Flavin of Hepatic Monoamine Oxidase.

7. Thioredoxin: 4. Amino Acid Sequence of Peptide B.

8. Analysis of Site Occupancies in [32P]Phosphorylated Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complexes by Aspartyl-Prolyl Cleavage of Tryptic Phosphopeptides.

9. Amino-Acid Sequence of the L-4 Light Chain of Chicken Skeletal-Muscle Myosin.

10. Amino-Acid Sequence of the L-1 Light Chain of Chicken Cardiac-Muscle Myosin.

11. Translation of Honeybee Promelittin Messenger RNA.

12. 50-S Ribosomal Proteins.

13. Induction of Sporulation in Bacillus brevis 2. Dependence on the Presence of the Peptide Antibiotics Tyrocidine and Linear Gramicidin.

14. The Amino-Acid Sequence of Porcine Adenylate Kinase from Skeletal Muscle.

15. Horse Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase.

16. Structure primaire de la caséine αS1 bovine.

17. Amino-Acid Sequence of the 20 000-Molecular-Weight Light Chain of Chicken Gizzard-Muscle Myosin.

18. The Amino-Acid Sequence of the Major Parvalbumin from Thornback-Ray Muscle.

19. Determination of the Amino-Acid Sequence of the Ribosomal Protein S8 of <em>Escherichia coli</em>.

20. Determination of the Primary Structure of a Mouse IgG2a Immunoglobulin.

21. Synthesis of Apamin, a Neurotoxic Peptide from Bee Venom.

22. Amino-Acid Sequence of the Peptide Segment Liberated during Activation of Prochymosin (Prorennin).

23. The Primary Structure of the Porcine Luteinizing-Hormone α-Subunit.

24. Biosynthesis of Melittin, a Toxic Peptide from Bee Venom.

25. Structure primaire de la caséine αS1 bovine.

26. Structure primaire de la caséine β bovine.

27. Structure covalente de la myoglobine de cheval.

28. The Covalent Structure of Collagen 2. The Amino-Acid Sequence of α1-CB7 from Calf-Skin Collagen.

29. Primary Structure of Bovine Growth Hormone.

30. Dissection of the basic subdomain of the c-Jun oncoprotein.

31. Primary structure of the <em>Streptomyces</em> R61 extracellular DD-peptidease 2. Amino acid sequence data.

32. Actin Typing on Total Cellular Extracts.

33. Phosphofructokinase: Complete Amino-Acid Sequence of the Enzyme from <em>Bacillus stearothermophilus</em>.

34. &subD;-Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase.

35. The Complete Amino-Acid Sequence of Elongation Factor Tu from <em>Escherichia coli</em>.

36. Identification of the C-1-Phosphate-Binding Arginine Residue of Rabbit-Muscle Aldolase.

37. The Primary Structure of Bovine Pancreatic Phospholipase A[sub2].

38. Separation and Characterisation of Tryptic Fragments from the Adenosine Triphosphatase of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum.

39. The Amino-Acid Sequence of the Most Acidic Major Parvalbumin from Frog Muscle.

40. A New Subgroup of Human L-Chains of the λ-Type.

41. Studies on Soybean Trypsin Inhibitors 3. Amino-Acid Sequence of the Carboxyl-Terminal Region and the Complete Amino-Acid Sequence of Soybean Trypsin Inhibitor (Kunitz).

42. Studies on Soybean Trypsin Inhibitors 2. Amino-Acid Sequence around the Reactive Site of Soybean Trypsin Inhibitor (Kunitz).

43. Rat Proinsulins and C-Peptides.

44. Acid Phosphomonoesterase from Phaseolus mungo.

45. On the Primary Structure of Human Fibrinogen: Isolation and Characterization of N-Terminal Fragments from Plasmic Digests.

46. Study of the Dansylation Reaction of Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins.

47. Determination of the N-Terminal Amino Acids in Proteins Using Fluoro-Nitropyridines.

48. Changes in the Short Wavelength Absorption Spectrum of Tyrosine as a Result of its Participation in Peptide, or Similar Bonds.

49. The Composition, Structure and Origin of Proteose-peptone Component 8F of Bovine Milk.

50. Antimicrobial activity of histones from hemocytes of the Pacific white shrimp.