
Showing total 1,206 results
1,206 results

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1. The amino-acid sequence of sarcine adenylate kinase from skeletal muscle.

2. The amino-acid compositions of CNBr fragment C1 from antihapten antibodies. Use of guanidine for reproducible isolation of the C1 fragment.

5. Evidence for metabolic compartmentation in Escherichia coli.

6. The Determination of the Order of Lysine-containing Tryptic Peptides of Proteins by Diagonal Paper Electrophoresis.

7. Forthcoming Papers.

8. Forthcoming papers.

9. Forthcoming papers.

10. <em>Forthcoming Papers</em>.

11. A Bacterial Halidohydrolase. Its Purification, Some Properties and its Modification by Specific Amino Acid Reagents.

12. Forthcoming papers.

13. Recombinant-DNA-derived bovine growth hormone from <em>Escherichia coli</em> 2. Biochemical, biophysical, immunological and biological comparison with the pituitary hormone.

14. Covalent Structure of Turnip Peroxidase 7.

15. Biosynthesis of Melittin, a Toxic Peptide from Bee Venom.

16. Photolysis of Desmosine and Isodesmosine by Ultraviolet Light.

17. The Covalently-Bound Flavin of Hepatic Monoamine Oxidase.

18. Thioredoxin: 4. Amino Acid Sequence of Peptide B.

19. Prediction of protein structural class by amino acid and polypeptide composition.

20. Amino acid sequence analysis of the annexin super-gene family of proteins.

21. Primary structure of the <em>Streptomyces</em> R61 extracellular DD-peptidease 1. Cloning into <em>Streptomyces lividans</em> and nucleotide sequence of the gene.

22. Analysis of Site Occupancies in [32P]Phosphorylated Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complexes by Aspartyl-Prolyl Cleavage of Tryptic Phosphopeptides.

23. Amino-Acid Sequence of the L-4 Light Chain of Chicken Skeletal-Muscle Myosin.

24. Amino-Acid Sequence of the L-1 Light Chain of Chicken Cardiac-Muscle Myosin.

25. The Primary Structure of a Non-histone Chromosomal Protein.

26. Amino-Acid Sequences of Heme-Linked, Histidine-Containing Peptides of Five Peroixidases from Horseradish and Turnip.

27. Structural Determination of Three Glycoasparagines Isolated from the Urine of a Patient with Aspartlyglycosaminuria.

28. Translation of Honeybee Promelittin Messenger RNA.

29. 50-S Ribosomal Proteins.

30. Aromatization of 4-oxocyclohexanecarboxylic acid to 4-hydroxybenzoic acid by two distinctive desaturases from Corynebacterium cyclohexanicum.

31. Structural and functional differences between carbonic anhydrase isoenzymes I and II as studied by site-directed mutagenesis.

32. Short-chain basement membrane collagen.

33. Structural studies on the amino-acid-linked teichuronic acid of <em>Bacillus subtilis</em> AHU 1219 cell walls.

34. Studies on naturally occurring proteinous inhibitor for transmethylation reactions.

35. Identification of surface residues in the trp repressor of <em>Escherichia coli</em>.

36. Induction of Sporulation in Bacillus brevis 2. Dependence on the Presence of the Peptide Antibiotics Tyrocidine and Linear Gramicidin.

37. The Thermodynamic-Buffer Enzymes.

38. The Role of the Codon and the Initiation Factor IF-2 in the Selection of N-Blocked Aminoacyl-tRNA for Initiation.

39. The Cytochrome <em>bc</em>1 Complex of Yeast Mitochondria.

40. Biosynthesis of Stizolobinic Acid and Sixolobic Acid in Higher Plants.

41. <em>Hemachatus haemachatus</em> (Ringhals) Venom. Purification, Some Properties^and Amino-Acid Sequence of Phospholipase A (Fraction DE-I).

42. The Amino-Acid Sequence of Porcine Adenylate Kinase from Skeletal Muscle.

43. Yeast Thioredoxin.

44. Hemmung der Trypsinkatalyse durch kationische Carbonsäureester und Amide.

45. Horse Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase.

46. Die Malonyl-Bindungsstellen des Fettsäuresynthetase-Komplexes aus Hefe.

47. Structure primaire de la caséine αS1 bovine.

48. Arginine Metabolism in <em>Chlamydomonas reinhardi</em>.

49. A Glycopeptide from the Posterior Lobe of Pig Pituitaries.

50. Prediction of protein (domain) structural classes based on amino-acid index.