
Showing total 22 results
22 results

Search Results

1. Transnational families and the subjective well-being of migrant parents: Angolan and Nigerian parents in the Netherlands.

2. Narratives of ethnic identity among practitioners in community settings in the northeast of England.

3. Romanian Roma migration: the interplay between structures and agency.

4. The collective singularity of anti-racist actors: a case study of the Roma minority in the Czech Republic.

5. Diverse cities and good citizenship: how local governments in the Netherlands recast national integration discourse.

6. European influence on diversity policy frames: paradoxical outcomes of Lyon's membership of the Intercultural Cities programme.

7. Superdiversity and conviviality: exploring frameworks for doing ethnography in Southern European intercultural cities.

8. Delivering maternity services in an era of superdiversity: the challenges of novelty and newness.

9. Whitening a diverse Dutch classroom: white cultural discourses in an Amsterdam primary school.

10. Back to the Future: revisiting the contact hypothesis at Turkish and mixed non-profit organizations in Amsterdam.

11. The hieroglyphics of the border: racial stigma in neoliberal Europe.

12. Coping with everyday bordering: Roma migrants and gatekeepers in Helsinki.

13. Follow the money: international donors, external homelands and their effect on Romani media and advocacy.

14. Institutions, information exchange, and migrant social networks in Rome.

15. Islamic gatherings: experiences of discrimination and religious affirmation across established and new immigrant communities.

16. ‘Where are you from’ or ‘when did you come’? Temporal dimensions in migrants' reflections about settlement and return.

17. Paradigmatic pragmatism and the politics of diversity.

18. The duplicity of diversity: Caribbean immigrants in Denmark.

19. Return migration as a win-win-win scenario? Visions of return among Senegalese migrants, the state of origin and receiving countries.

20. Impossible presence: race, nation and the cultural politics of ‘being Norwegian’.

21. Policy actors' narrative constructions of migrants' integration in Malmö and Bologna.

22. A decade of suspicion: Islam and Muslims in Denmark after 9/11.