
Showing total 11 results
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1. Empirical Analysis of Regional Circular Economy Development--Study Based on Jiangsu, Heilongjiang, Qinghai Province.

2. Suzhou's Export Trade and Environment: an Empirical Study.

3. Empirical Research of the Environmental Responsibility Affected on the Urban Residential Housing Energy Saving Investment Behavior.

4. Choice of Industrial Exporting Strategy Under Low-carbon Economy in Jiangsu.

5. Empirical Research of Social Norms Affecting Urban Residents Low Carbon Energy Consumption Behavior.

6. Analysis of the FDI Effect on Energy Consumption Intensity in Jiangsu Province.

7. Sustainable Development Strategies of Manufacturing in Jiangsu Based on the Constraints of Resources and Environment.

8. Site selection and scale measurement of regional coal reserves: taking Jiangsu Province as an example.

9. Energy Risks Zoning and Demand Forecasting in Jiangsu rovince.

10. Research on Relationship between Energy Consumption Quality and Education, Science and Technology based on Grey Relation Theory.

11. Research on the consumption mode of green electricity in China-Based on theory of reasoned action.