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1. Energy efficiency in the German pulp and paper industry – A model-based assessment of saving potentials

2. "Carbon" suppresses "energy" - How does carbon emission right trading policy alleviate the energy trilemma?

3. Energy imports in turbulent eras: Evidence from China.

4. Energy poverty and respiratory health in Sub-Saharan Africa: Effects and transmission channels.

5. Collaborative development model and strategies of multi-energy industry clusters: Multi-indicators analysis affecting the development of coastal energy clusters.

6. Energy efficiency in industry: EU and national policies in Italy and the UK.

7. Modelling the return and volatility spillovers of crude oil and food prices in Nigeria.

8. Bridging the gap using energy services: Demonstrating a novel framework for soft linking top-down and bottom-up models.

9. Carbon decoupling effects of energy consumption permit trading schemes: Evidence from China.

10. Multi-criteria sustainability analysis of thermal power plant Kolubara-A Unit 2.

11. Hard-linking a top-down economic model with a bottom-up energy system for an oil-exporting country with price controls.

12. A novel grey Lotka–Volterra model driven by the mechanism of competition and cooperation for energy consumption forecasting.

13. The influence of regulation, taxes and charges on the energy supply of buildings.

14. Electricity demand response in China: Status, feasible market schemes and pilots.

15. Mitigating energy poverty: A panel analysis of energy policy interventions in emerging economies of the asia-pacific region.

16. Impact of climate change on the energy performance of building envelopes and implications on energy regulations across Europe.

17. Does cost optimization approximate the real-world energy transition?

18. Analysis of DSPV (distributed solar PV) power policy in China.

19. The impact of energy audits on energy efficiency investment of public owners. Evidence from Italy.

20. Prospects for bioenergy use in Ghana using Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning model.

21. Business cycle and economic-wide energy intensity: The implications for energy conservation policy in Algeria.

22. Distributed solar photovoltaics in China: Policies and economic performance.

23. Analysis of low carbon super credit policy efficiency in European Union greenhouse gas emissions.

24. Embodied energy, export policy adjustment and China's sustainable development: A multi-regional input-output analysis.

25. Assessing the impact of energy saving measures on the future energy demand and related GHG (greenhouse gas) emission reduction of Croatia.

26. Feasibility assessment for high penetration of distributed photovoltaics based on net demand planning.

27. Decentralized demand–supply matching using community microgrids and consumer demand response: A scenario analysis.

28. Impact of outdoor humidity conditions on building energy performance and environmental footprint in the degree days-based climate classification.

29. Recent advances in methods, policies and technologies at sustainable energy systems development.

30. A barrier and techno-economic analysis of small-scale bCHP (biomass combined heat and power) schemes in the UK.

31. The evolution of low-carbon development strategies in China.

32. Differential electricity pricing and energy efficiency in South Africa.

33. The impact of future energy demand on renewable energy production – Case of Norway.

34. Industrialisation, state-related institutions, and the speed of energy substitution: The case in Europe.

35. Forecasting long-term energy demand of Croatian transport sector.

36. Multi-objective self-scheduling of CHP (combined heat and power)-based microgrids considering demand response programs and ESSs (energy storage systems).

37. Definition methodology for the smart cities model

38. Evaluation of corporate energy management practices of energy intensive industries in Turkey

39. A review of multi-criteria decision-making methods for bioenergy systems

40. Energy efficiency in South Africa: A decomposition exercise

41. Electricity saving potential of the power generation industry in China

42. Application of artificial neural networks for testing long-term energy policy targets.

43. Shortcomings of the traditional "levelized cost of energy" [LCOE] for the determination of grid parity.

44. Analysis of regional difference decomposition of changes in energy consumption in China during 1995–2015.

45. Study of the influence mechanism of China's electricity consumption based on multi-period ST-LMDI model.

46. Energy efficiency promotion in Greece in light of risk: Evaluating policies as portfolio assets.

47. The impact of policy on residential energy consumption.

48. Energy productivity analysis framework for buildings: a case study of GCC region.

49. Long-term optimization of Egypt's power sector: Policy implications.

50. Green economy and green jobs: Myth or reality? The case of China’s power generation sector