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1. Discussion Papers.

2. Why do Employment Rates Differ Across the Regions of Britain?

3. Housing, credit and the euro: the policy response.

4. The Changing Structure of the UK Economy: Implications for the Current Account.

5. UK Household Debt: A Threat to Growth or Stability?

6. The impact of interest rates and the housing market on the UK economy.

7. The changing sources of new mortgage debt.

8. The housing market and the monetary transmission mechanism in the UK, in and out of EMU.

9. The UK and EMU: Lessons from Europe.

10. Mortgage credit conditions in the UK.

11. The Coalition's Economic Strategy; Has it made a bad thing worse?

12. A tougher phase for the recovery.

13. Learning Organisations, Lifelong Learning and the Mystery of the Vanishing Employers.

14. Why the surge in savings won't last.

15. Government sets 2021 marker for EU trade deal.

16. Five ways the pandemic could alter the economy.

17. Wealth spurt unlikely to offer much aid to the consumer.

18. UK medium-term prospects: steady, but unspectacular.

19. The UK long-term outlook.

20. Why has the UK recovery been so weak?

21. The UK long-term outlook.

22. The aggregate mortgage repossessions outlook.

23. The UK long-term outlook.

24. Will the public spending cuts bring about a labour market relapse?

25. The regional mortgage repossessions outlook.

26. Winners and losers in an age of austerity.

27. Will aggressive fiscal retrenchment choke off the UK recovery?

28. The UK long-term growth outlook.

29. Impact of EU exit on our UK industry forecasts.

30. Imbalances in EU housing markets.

31. Will the recession bring about a rebalancing of the UK economy?

32. Why are US home foreclosures so high?

33. Will quantitative easing pull the UK out of recession?

34. World Economic Prospects.

35. Forecast in Detail.

36. UK Assessment.

37. Can House Prices Remain so High?

38. The Impact of Shocks on the UK Economy in and Out of EMU.

39. Exchange rate and foreign price effects on UK inflation.

41. Prudence and Pragmatism in the Fiscal Stance.

42. UK Forecast in Detail.

43. Central Bank Independence and Co-ordinating Monetary and Fiscal Policy.

44. Why Have Housing Transactions Been So Weak?

45. Sterling's rise: A case of delayed overshooting?

46. Will the strength of Sterling slow growth?

47. Has the Bank Done Enough to Contain Inflation?

48. UK consumer spending: Prospects for the late 1990s.

49. UK Overview.

50. UK Overview.