Despite increasing evidence of seed limitation in forest ecosystems, data remain sparse on spatial patterns of seed rain at large (>1 ha) spatial scales. We monitored seed rain (28.5 m²) throughout five northern hardwood forest fragments (27 ha sampled across 14-km² area) in southeastern Michigan over two years. Four fragments were nearest neighbors (300-700 m), yet varied in species compositions providing the opportunity to. detect landscape-scale seed exchange. Of the 37 species of woody plants present in the seed rain (98 032 mature seeds), only three (Betula papyrifera, Ostrya virginiana, and Ulinus americana) had widespread seed dispersions within all fragments containing resident sources (seed in >70% of traps in each fragment). Seed dispersions, measured as the percentage of traps within a fragment receiving seed, differed among species using different dispersal vectors with animal-dispersed species arriving in a lower percentage of seed traps than wind-dispersed seeds. At a given source density, seed dispersions increased with decreasing seed mass. Light-seeded fecund species such as Betula or Tsuga required lower source densities to saturate fragments with seed compared toheavy-seeded species (Acer, Fraxinus, Tilia). Heavy-seeded wind- and animal-dispersed species also displayed the strongest evidence of seed limitation, with seedling presence significantly associated with presence of seed for Carpinus caroliniana, Fagus grandifolia, Prunus avium, and Tilia americana. Of 17 species, landscape-Scale seed exchange was detected for only four disturbance-associated species (Acer negundo, Betula papyrifera, Celastrus scandens, Eleaganus umbellata). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]