
Showing total 16 results
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1. Nonmarket valuation of water quality: Addressing spatially heterogeneous preferences using GIS and a random parameter logit model

2. Testing different types of benefit transfer in valuation of ecosystem services: New Zealand winegrowing case studies

3. Considering the effects of imprecision and uncertainty in ecological footprint estimation: An approach in a fuzzy environment

4. Development of ecological economics in Australia and New Zealand

5. The costs and benefits of conservation versus logging of old-growth native forest: A case history.

6. Estimating indigenous cultural values of freshwater: A choice experiment approach to Māori values in New Zealand.

7. A soil change-based methodology for the quantification and valuation of ecosystem services from agro-ecosystems: A case study of pastoral agriculture in New Zealand.

8. Valuing impacts of the invasive alga Didymosphenia geminata on recreational angling

9. Cross-cultural environmental research in New Zealand: Insights for ecological economics research practice

10. What is sustainable agriculture? Empirical evidence of diverging views in Switzerland and New Zealand

11. Eco-efficiency of intensification scenarios for milk production in New Zealand

12. Using the concept of yield to assess the sustainability of different tourist types

13. A landscape approach for assessing the biodiversity value of indigenous forest remnants: Case study of the Manawatu/Wanganui region of New Zealand

14. Carbon taxation, prices and welfare in New Zealand

15. Measuring the success and cost effectiveness of New Zealand multiple-species projects to the conservation of threatened species

16. Ecological Footprints and interdependencies of New Zealand regions