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1. Serial exchanges in matroids

2. A note on immersion minors and planarity

3. Matroids with few non-common bases

4. The edge covering number of the intersection of two matroids

5. On contractible and vertically contractible elements in 3-connected matroids and graphs

6. On the reliability roots of simplicial complexes and matroids

7. A generalized-polymatroid approach to disjoint common independent sets in two matroids

8. Bounding the beta invariant of 3-connected matroids

9. The e-exchange basis graph and matroid connectedness

10. Signed-graphic matroids with all-graphic cocircuits

11. The number of elements belonging to triads in 3-connected binary matroids

12. Boolean techniques for matroidal decomposition of independence systems and applications to graphs

13. On local maximum stable set greedoids

14. Locally finite graphs with ends: A topological approach, I. Basic theory

15. Clonal sets in GF(q)-representable matroids

16. On minor-minimally 3-connected binary matroids

17. Removing circuits in 3-connected binary matroids

18. A combinatorial proof of the Rayleigh formula for graphs

19. Representable orientations of the free spikes

20. A MacWilliams type identity for matroids

21. Higher support matroids

22. About a new class of matroid-inducing packing families

23. Elements belonging to triangles in 3-connected matroids

24. Unimodular modules

25. On the unique representability of spikes over prime fields

26. Matroids with few non-common bases

27. On finite matroids with two more hyperplanes than points

28. On pancyclic representable matroids

29. Extensions of the Critical Theorem

30. Transition polynomials

31. Elements belonging to triads in 3-connected matroids

32. On the number of spikes over finite fields

33. The structure of a 3-connected matroid with a 3-separating set of essential elements

34. Connected matroids with a small circumference

35. On matroid intersection adjacency

36. On Mills's conjecture on matroids with many common bases

37. Matching 2-lattice polyhedra: finding a maximum vector

38. The reconstruction of a matroid from its connectivity function

39. On size, circumference and circuit removal in 3-connected matroids

40. On discrete Morse functions and combinatorial decompositions

41. On matroids with many common bases

42. Triads and triangles in 3-connected matroids

43. On binary k-paving matroids and Reed-Muller codes

44. Connected coverings and an application to oriented matroids

45. A generalization of a graph result of D.W. Hall

46. Techniques in matroid reconstruction

47. Binary matroids without prisms, prism duals, and cubes

48. On the Steinitz exchange lemma

49. Compatible systems of representatives

50. Extendable shellability for rank 3 matroid complexes