1. Mistagogija euharistijskoga slavlja
- Author
Ante Crnčević
- Subjects
Mistagogy ,sign ,symbol ,ritual ,order of mass ,Eucharistic celebration ,Mistagogija ,znak ,simbol ,obred ,red mise ,slavlje euharistije - Abstract
Na tragu ponovnoga zanimanja teologije i crkvene prakse za drevni mistagoški pristup bogoslužju, autor nastoji pokazati kako slavlje euharistije kao liturgijski čin (ergon) ima mistagošku moć i sposobnost dovesti zajednicu do iskustva spasenjskoga otajstva. Mistagoška sposobnost bogoslužja počiva na liturgijskoj obrednosti. Stoga je razumijevanje i pravo vrednovanje neverbalnoga simboličkoga govora bogoslužja nužan preduvjet za iskustvo otajstva koje se po liturgijskom činu udanašnjuje i aktualizira. Uključujući u kategoriju znaka ili simbola sve obredno i ljudskim osjetilima doživljajno u bogoslužju – liturgijski čini, kretnje, stavovi tijela, liturgijski prostor i njegovi elementi, glazba, služitelji u bogoslužju, okupljena zajednica – autor slijedi red mise i govori o otajstvu koje se razotkriva razumijevanjem i iskustvom pojedinih liturgijskih čina. Na kraju se ističe potreba novog vrednovanja i oživljavanja znakovne i simboličke dimenzije u bogoslužju, tim više što suvremeni čovjek ima sve manje sluha i sposobnosti za razumijevanje simboličkog. Budući da je bogoslužje Crkve uvijek ujedno i Božje djelo spasenja, i samo se bogoslužje mora pokazati kao djelo ili događanje u punom smislu riječi, a to je moguće jedino putem znaka., Following the repeated interest of theology and pastoral practice for the ancient mystagogical approach to liturgy, the author tries to show that celebration of liturgy as liturgical action (ergon) has mystagogical power, and it can bring community to the mystery of salvation. The mystagogy of liturgy is based on liturgical rituality. Therefore, understanding, the real evaluation of non-verbal language of liturgy is the prerequisite for the fulfilment of the experience of the mystery, which becomes real and contemporary in liturgical action. Including all the elements of the ritual and everything experienced by senses; such as liturgical actions, gestures, body positions, liturgical space and music, ministers and community gathered in liturgy into the category of sign and symbol, the author follows the order of mass and presents the mystery, which reveals itself through understanding and through experience of different liturgical actions. In the end, the author points to the need for the re-evaluation and recovery of the dimension of sign and symbol in liturgy, for modern society is less and less capable of feeling and understanding the symbolic. As liturgy of the Church is also God’s act of salvation, it has to be performed as an action or an event in every sense of the word, and this is only possible by using signs.
- Published
- 2003