Članak predstavlja promišljanja Lava Šestova o filozofiji Friedricha Nietzschea. Prikazat ćemo u glavnim crtama novost Šestovljeva shvaćanja Nietzscheove filozofije. Naime, Šestov je među prvima uočio veliku važnost Nietzscheove misli ne samo za kritičko razumijevanje europske kulture, filozofije i politike, nego teologije i Crkve. Ruski filozof je mišljenja da bi se teologija trebala nadahnuti Nietzscheom, posebice njegovom kritikom zapadnoga poimanja racionalnosti, etike i govora o Bogu. Pritom, Šestov dakako ne propušta i kritizirati Nietzscheovu filozofiju, o čemu će također biti govora. Na tragu Šestovljevih razmatranja o Nietzscheu, vrjednovat ćemo i kritički preispitati doprinos jednoga i drugoga mislioca za današnju teologiju, za određene teološke teme, kao što su odnos vjere i razuma, etika, pitanje zla i dobra u svijetu, ljubav prema bližnjemu, govor o Bogu. Aktualnost njihove misli za teologiju sažet ćemo u slici "getsemanske noći" koju sam Šestov rado koristi. Pod teologijom "getsemanske noći" misli se na teologiju koja je osjetljiva za patnju, za nesigurnost, koja se nikada začahuruje u svoje sustave, koja ne prestaje tražiti Boga, i to Boga koji se nalazi onkraj svih čovjekovih predodžaba i sustava., The article presents Lev Shestov’s reflections on Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy. We’ll hereby show in brief the novelty expressed in Shestov’s understanding of Nietzsche’s philosophy. Namely, Shestov was one of the first to notice the great significance of Nietzsche’s idea not only for the critical understanding of the European culture, philosophy and politics but also for a better understanding of theology and the Church. The Russian philosopher thinks that theology should take Nietzsche as its inspiration, particularly his criticism of the Western notion of rationality, ethics and discourse on God. In so doing Shestov didn’t fail to criticize Nietzsche’s philosophy, which will also be considered in the article. Following Shestov’s analysis of Nietzsche, we’ll evaluate and critically examine the contribution of both philosophers to the modern theology, particularly to certain theological issues, such as the relationship between the faith and reason, good and evil in the world, love for the fellow human being, and discourse on God. The actuality of their ideas in theology can be comprised in the image of the ‘Gethsemane Night’, eagerly used by Shestov himself. The term theology of ‘Gethsemane Night’ embraces the theology susceptible to suffering, to insecurity; theology never cocooned within its own systems, but one in relentless search for God, God who can only be found beyond all the human ideas and systems.