
Showing total 16 results
16 results

Search Results

1. Population movement and city-suburb redistribution: an analytic framework.

2. The stable equivalent population, age composition, and Fisher's reproductive value function.

3. Estimation of interregional migration streams from place-of-birth-by-residence data.

4. Age, biological factors, and socioeconomic determinants of fertility: a new measure of cumulative fertility for use in the empirical analysis of family size.

5. The influence of women's work opportunities on marriage rates.

6. Stable age by region distributions.

7. Differential Peer Effects, Student Achievement, and Student Absenteeism: Evidence From a Large-Scale Randomized Experiment.

8. Premigration School Quality, Time Spent in the United States, and the Math Achievement of Immigrant High School Students.

9. U.S. births and limit cycle models.

10. Relative deprivation and international migration.

11. Measuring the tightness of a marriage squeeze.

12. Estimating the emigration rates of legal immigrants using administrative and survey data: the 1971 cohort of immigrants to the United States.

13. Adjustment of rates using multiplicative models.

14. A model of fertility by planning status.

15. Family planning program activity and patient enrollment rates in the United States, 1969 and 1971.

16. The family size utility function.