SIN3was first identified genetically as a global regulator of transcription. Sin3 is a large protein composed mainly of protein-interaction domains, whose function is to provide structural support for a heterogeneous Sin3/histone deacetylase (HDAC) complex. The core Sin3/HDAC complex is conserved from yeast to man and consists of eight proteins. In addition to HDACs, Sin3 can sequester other enzymatic functions, including nucleosome remodeling, DNA methylation,N-acetylglucoseamine transferase activity, and histone methylation. Since the Sin3/HDAC complex lacks any DNA-binding activity, it must be targeted to gene promoters by interacting with DNA-binding proteins. Although most research on Sin3 has focused on its role as a corepressor, mounting evidence suggests that Sin3 can also positively regulate transcription. Furthermore, Sin3 is key to the propagation of epigenetically silenced domains and is required for centromere function. Thus, Sin3 provides a platform to deliver multiple combinations modifications to the chromatin, using both sequence-specific and sequence-independent mechanisms. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]