
Showing total 13 results
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1. Boys' perspectives on girls' marriage and school dropout: a qualitative study revisiting a structural intervention in Southern India.

2. Kanjar subculture: socialisation for sex work amongst traditional entertainers in India.

3. 'I have the confidence to ask': thickening agency among adolescent girls in Karnataka, South India.

4. Examining hopes, aspirations, and future plans of women in non-brothel-based sex work in Kolkata, India.

5. Pragmatic women: negotiating sex work, pregnancy, and parenting in Mysore, South India.

6. Transforming the attitudes of young men about gender roles and the acceptability of violence against women, Bihar.

7. Structure and agency in long-distance truck drivers' lived experiences of condom use for HIV prevention.

8. Contesting heteronormativity: the fight for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender recognition in India and Vietnam.

9. Informal support for women and intimate partner violence: the crucial yet ambivalent role of neighbours in urban India.

10. From rakhi to romance: negotiating 'acceptable' relationships in co-educational secondary schools in New Delhi, India.

11. Stigma, violence and HIV vulnerability among transgender persons in sex work in Maharashtra, India.

12. ‘I am doing fine only because I have not told anyone’: the necessity of concealment in the lives of people living with HIV in India.

13. On reproductive justice: ‘domestic violence’, rights and the law in India.