Mashhadi, Maryam, Saeidi, Atefeh, Tansaz, Mojgan, Bioos, Soodabeh, Tabarrai, Malihe, Darvish-Mofrad-Kashani, Zahra, Montazeri, Ali, Saberi, Mohsen, Mojahedi, Morteza, and Mokaberinejad, Roshanak
Objectives: According to Persian medicine (PM), the uterus is an important organ in women, responsible for purifying the blood and nourishing the fetus. Each organ has a specific temperament distinct from the whole-body temperament based on PM. Dystemperament occurs when body or organ Mizaj (Persian word for temperament) deviates from what is considered normal, resulting in malfunction. Many gynecological disorders described in PM and conventional medicine, including infertility, recurrent miscarriage, oligomenorrhea/amenorrhea, hypermenorrhea, vaginitis, cervicitis, urinary incontinence, and pelvic pain, are considered to be associated with uterine dystemperaments. Hence, proper management of such disorders requires precise diagnosis and treatment of uterine dystemperaments. Accordingly, this review study aimed to collect and categorize these symptoms from PM texts and other relevant articles. Methods: In this study, we reviewed 10 well-known PM references, including Canon in Medicine (Al-Qanun Fi al-Teb), the Great Panacea (Exir-e A'zam), the Treasure of Kharazmshah (Zakhireh Kharazmshahi), the Perfect Book of the Art of Medicine (Kamel al-Sana'a al-Tebbiya), Akbari's Medicine (Tebb-E-Akbari), Gharshi's Commentary on Canon of Medicine (Sharh-e Qarshi bar Qanun), Commentary on Hippocrates' Aphorisms (Sharh-e Fosul-e Boqraat), Summary of Experiences (Kholasa-tut Tajarob), Description of Signs and Symptoms (Sharh-e Asbab va Alamat), and Aghili's Treatments (Mo'alejat-e Aghili). Moreover, Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, SienceDirect, and Google Scholar databases were queried with the keywords 'mizaj', 'temperament', 'uterus', 'uterine', 'cold/hot or warm', and 'dry/wet', while Persian databases of Magiran, Iran Medex, and SID were searched using keywords 'mizaj', 'rahem', 'garm', 'sard', 'tar', and 'khoshk' to extract signs and symptoms associated with uterine temperament and dystemperament. Results: Five indicators were specified in the articles and PM sources for determining the temperament and dystemperament of the uterus as follows: 1) Menstrual blood characteristics (including amount, temperature, color, odor, flow rate, and consistency); 2) Uterine discharge characteristics (including amount, consistency, color, odor, and accompanied symptoms, especially burning and itching); 3) Fertility and pregnancy status (including infertility, abortion, etc.); 4. Other characteristics of the female reproductive system (including pubic hair, menarche age, sexual desire and quality of intercourse, and vaginal and cervical condition on vaginal examination); and 5) General symptoms (including the ten PM indicators of whole-body Mizaj). Conclusions: PM sources have described the characteristics of uterine temperament and dystemperament in detail. These indices can be used for more effective diagnosis, treatment, and even prevention of gynecological diseases, as well as designing and validation of standard tools for determining uterine temperament and dystemperament. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]