Interaction between the El Nino and Indian Ocean dipole ocean-atmosphere quasi-periodic oscillations produced one of the warmest seawatertemperatures on record in 1998. During the warm northeast monsoon inMarch and April, Kenya's shallow coral reefs experienced water temperatures between 30 and 31 deg. C and low winds. This caused large-scale bleaching of hard and soft corals at the end of March, which extended into the cooler months of May and June. Direct observations of coloration in the Mombasa Marine National Park found that the coral genera Acropora, Millepora, Pocillopora, branching Porites and Stylophora showed rapid bleaching and high mortality by the end of May 1998. Other hard coral genera that bleached significantly included Echinopora, Favia, Favites, Galaxea, Hydnophora, Goniopora, Leptoria, Montipora, Platygyra and massive Porites, but mortality was variable among these genera. Astreopora, Coscinarea, Cyphastrea and Pavona were the least responsive genera, with some paling, but little evidence of fullbleaching or significant mortality. We compared changes in reef ecology in four national parks (protected from fishing) with four non-park areas (heavy fishing) to determine how coral mortality and herbivory interact under the two management regimes. Benthic studies using line transects in 16 sites spread across ~150 km of coastline were completed before and 6 to 13 months after the bleaching event and found that the cover of nine hard coral genera including Acropora, Alveopora, Favites, Goniopora, Platygyra, Pocillopora, branching Porites, Stylophora and Tubipora decreased significantly (p<0.04) after the event,usually by >85%, and soft coral cover decreased by \sim75%. One yearafter the bleaching, sites in the national parks experienced 88 and 115% increases in turf and fleshy algal cover, respectively, while reefs outside the parks had a 220% increase in fleshy algal cover with no appreciable change in turf-forming algal cover. There was, however, hig [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]