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1. Contributed Papers Indirect Effects of Biological Control on Plant Diversity Vary across Sites in Montana Grasslands.

2. Contributed Papers Factors Related to Fecal Corticosterone Levels in California Spotted Owls: Implications for Assessing Chronic Stress.

4. On Evidence and Faulty Assertions about Energy Boomtowns.

5. Why Listing May Be Forever: Perspectives on Delisting under the U.S. Endangered Species Act.

6. Letters.

7. Academic Institutions in the United States and Canada Ranked According to Research Productivity in the Field of Conservation Biology.

8. Legitimacy and Adoption of a Scientific Biological Control Program: an Institutional Analysis of Hoddle.

9. Assessment of Farmer Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions toward Bird Conservation on Organic and Conventional Florida Farms.

10. Going International.

11. Speed.

12. Developing a Sampling Strategy for Baptisia arachnifera Based on Allozyme Diversity.

13. Hypothesis Concerning the Causes of the Disappearance of Boreal Toads from the Mountains of Colorado.

14. Introduction.

15. Westslope Cutthroat Trout, Hybridization, and the U.S. Endangered Species Act.

16. Cutthroat Trout Hybridization and the U.S. Endangered Species Act: One Species, Two Policies.

17. Normativity Redux.

18. Announcements.

19. Fire as Friend and Foe of Amphibians: a Reply.

20. Improving species status assessments under the U.S. Endangered Species Act and implications for multispecies conservation challenges worldwide.

21. Near‐term ecological forecasting for dynamic aeroconservation of migratory birds.

22. Conservation and social outcomes of private protected areas.

23. Intervention and Persistence in Small Populations of Bighorn Sheep.

24. Mapping shifts in spatial synchrony in grassland birds to inform conservation planning.

25. Introduction.

26. Science: Who Needs It?

27. Relative costs of conserving threatened species across taxonomic groups.

28. Conservation Biology: Into the Millennium.

29. Underaddressed animal‐welfare issues in conservation.

30. Using citizen science butterfly counts to predict species population trends.

31. Conservation and Social Disarray: Response to Berger and Beckman.

32. Letters.

33. Striking a Balance.

34. Announcements.

35. A Framework for Developing Objective and Measurable Recovery Criteria for Threatened and Endangered Species.

36. Actual and Potential Use of Population Viability Analyses in Recovery of Plant Species Listed under the U.S. Endangered Species Act.

37. Climate Change, Marine Environments, and the U.S. Endangered Species Act.

38. Temporal Analysis of Genetic Structure to Assess Population Dynamics of Reintroduced Swift Foxes.

39. Incorporating Climate and Ocean Change into Extinction Risk Assessments for 82 Coral Species.

40. Effects of Knowledge of an Endangered Species on Recreationists' Attitudes and Stated Behaviors and the Significance of Management Compliance for Ohlone Tiger Beetle Conservation.

41. Australian and U.S. News Media Portrayal of Sharks and Their Conservation.

42. Specimen-Based Modeling, Stopping Rules, and the Extinction of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker.

43. Climate Change, Connectivity, and Conservation Success.

44. Toward Best Practices for Developing Regional Connectivity Maps.

45. Management of the Panzootic White-Nose Syndrome through Culling of Bats.

46. Effects of Postfire Salvage Logging on Deadwood-Associated Beetles.

47. A Multiscale Network Analysis of Protected-Area Connectivity for Mammals in the United States Minor & Lookingbill Connectivity of Protected Areas.

48. Addressing Climate Change Threats to Endangered Species in U.S. Recovery Plans.

49. Geography and Recovery under the U.S. Endangered Species Act.

50. Importance of Genetics in the Interpretation of Favourable Conservation Status.