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1. Explicit logarithmic formulas of special values of hypergeometric functions 3F2

2. Semi-linear optimal control problem on a smooth oscillating domain

3. Adams inequality with exact growth in the hyperbolic space ℍ4 and Lions lemma

4. Spreading under shifting climate by a free boundary model: Invasion of deteriorated environment

5. An intermediate local–nonlocal eigenvalue elliptic problem

6. Construction of solutions for a critical problem with competing potentials via local Pohozaev identities

7. On the rim tori refinement of relative Gromov–Witten invariants

8. Existence and concentration of ground states of fractional nonlinear Schrödinger equations with potentials vanishing at infinity

9. A local theory for a fractional reaction-diffusion equation

10. On the codimension of Noether–Lefschetz loci for toric threefolds

11. Finite Larmor radius regime: Collisional setting and fluid models

12. The pth Kazdan–Warner equation on graphs

13. Some global results for a class of homogeneous nonlocal eigenvalue problems

14. Generalized principal eigenvalues for heterogeneous road–field systems

15. Spreading speeds of KPP-type lattice systems in heterogeneous media

16. Classification of double octic Calabi–Yau threefolds with h1,2 ≤ 1 defined by an arrangement of eight planes

17. Some non-local logistic population model with non-zero boundary condition

18. Minimization problems for inhomogeneous Rayleigh quotients

19. Cordes–Nirenberg's imbedding and restricting with application to an elliptic equation

20. Long time stability for the dispersive SQG equation and Boussinesq equations in Sobolev space Hs

21. Multiple positive solutions of elliptic systems in exterior domains

22. Global blowup controllability of heat equation with feedback control

23. An improved Leray–Trudinger inequality

24. Hölder regularity for the gradient of the inhomogeneous parabolic normalized p-Laplacian

25. A strongly indefinite Choquard equation with critical exponent due to the Hardy–Littlewood–Sobolev inequality

26. Solitary waves for nonlinear Schrödinger equation with derivative

27. Least energy solutions for indefinite biharmonic problems via modified Nehari–Pankov manifold

28. Bilinear decompositions of products of local Hardy and Lipschitz or BMO spaces through wavelets

29. Multi-peak positive solutions for the fractional Schrödinger–Poisson system

30. Very singular problems with critical nonlinearities in two dimensions

31. Generalized Littlewood–Paley characterizations of fractional Sobolev spaces

32. On the construction of suitable weak solutions to the 3D Navier–Stokes equations in a bounded domain by an artificial compressibility method


34. W1,p(⋅) regularity for quasilinear problems with irregular obstacles on Reifenberg domains

35. Local wellposedness in Sobolev space for the inhomogeneous non-resistive MHD equations on general domain

36. Quasilinear elliptic problems with concave–convex nonlinearities

37. The maximum principles for fractional Laplacian equations and their applications

38. Multiple solutions for the p-Laplacian equations with concave nonlinearities via Morse theory

39. Simple superelliptic Lie algebras

40. Comparison principle for elliptic equations in divergence with singular lower order terms having natural growth

41. N-expansive homeomorphisms on surfaces

42. Néron–Severi group of a general hypersurface

43. Complete structure of the Fučík spectrum of the p-Laplacian with integrable potentials on an interval

44. Weighted Hardy inequality on Riemannian manifolds

45. Exponential attractor for the wave equation with structural damping and supercritical exponent

46. A uniqueness principle for up ≤ (−Δ)α 2u in the Euclidean space

47. Time-dependent singularities in a semilinear parabolic equation with absorption

48. New estimates for the Hardy constants of multipolar Schrödinger operators

49. Trudinger–Moser inequality on the whole plane and extremal functions

50. Entropy and rotation sets: A toy model approach