
Showing total 162 results
162 results

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1. Emotion Reactivity and Regulation in Maltreated Children: A Meta-Analysis.

2. The culture of affluence: psychological costs of material wealth.

3. Testing equivalence of mediating models of income, parenting, and school readiness for white, black, and Hispanic children in a national sample.

4. Shape and the first hundred nouns.

5. The effectiveness of moral disengagement and social norms as anti-bullying components: A randomized controlled trial.

6. Using "the Japanese problem" as a corrective to the ethnocentricity of Western theory.

7. Sleep, Classroom Behavior, and Achievement Among Children of Color in Historically Disinvested Neighborhoods.

8. Toddlers and Preschoolers Understand That Some Preferences Are More Subjective Than Others.

9. Developmental behavioral genetics.

10. The Role of Childhood Executive Function in Explaining Income Disparities in Long-Term Academic Achievement.

11. Value Profiles During Middle Childhood: Developmental Processes and Social Behavior.

12. Children's Home Numeracy Environment Predicts Growth of their Early Mathematical Skills in Kindergarten.

13. The Rise in Single-Mother Families and Children's Cognitive Development: Evidence From Three British Birth Cohorts.

14. The Effects of Enrolling in Oversubscribed Prekindergarten Programs Through Third Grade.

15. Early Maternal Sensitivity and Teacher-Student Relationship Quality Across Grade School: Enduring or Transient Associations?

16. Do the Colors of Educational Number Tools Improve Children's Mathematics and Numerosity?

17. Indian = Hindu? The Development of Nationalist Attitudes Among Hindu and Muslim Children in India.

18. Prejudice and Inclusiveness in Adolescence: The Role of Social Dominance Orientation and Multiple Categorization.

19. Young Children Are Wishful Thinkers: The Development of Wishful Thinking in 3- to 10-Year-Old Children.

20. Expressive Vocabulary Predicts Nonverbal Executive Function: A 2-year Longitudinal Study of Deaf and Hearing Children.

21. Trust and Discipline: Adolescents' Institutional and Teacher Trust Predict Classroom Behavioral Engagement following Teacher Discipline.

22. Good + Bad = ? Developmental Differences in Balancing Gains and Losses in Value-Based Decisions From Memory.

23. Family Stress Processes and Children's Self-Regulation.

24. Impact of Literacy Interventions on Reading Skills in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Meta-Analysis.

25. A Longitudinal Study on Stability and Transitions Among Bullying Roles.

26. Do Children Distinguish Between Resource Inequalities With Individual Versus Structural Origins?

27. Essentialization of Social Categories Across Development in Two Cultures.

28. Discrimination and Ethnic-Racial Socialization Among Youth Adopted From South Korea Into White American Families.

29. Linguistic and Cultural Variation in Early Color Word Learning.

30. Associations Between Perceived Material Deprivation, Parents' Discipline Practices, and Children's Behavior Problems: An International Perspective.

31. The Efficacy of Preschool Developmental Indicators as a Screen for Early Primary School-Based Literacy Interventions.

32. Cumulative and Differential Effects of Early Child Care and Middle Childhood Out-of-School Time on Adolescent Functioning.

33. Early Cognitive Precursors of Children's Mathematics Learning Disability and Persistent Low Achievement: A 5-Year Longitudinal Study.

34. Reasoning About the Scope of Religious Norms: Evidence From Hindu and Muslim Children in India.

35. The Emergence of Forgiveness in Young Children.

36. Domain specificity and variability in cognitive development.

37. Longitudinal Associations of Identity Processing Styles With Prodiversity and Proequality Values in Adolescence.

38. Environmental Learning of Social Cues: Evidence From Enhanced Gaze Cueing in Deaf Children.

39. The Privileged Status of Knowing Mechanistic Information: An Early Epistemic Bias.

40. The Development of Empathic Concern in Siblings: A Reciprocal Influence Model.

41. Children's Perceptions of Economic Groups in a Context of Limited Access to Opportunities.

42. Are Socially Anxious Children Poor or Advanced Mindreaders?

43. Delayed Disaster Impacts on Academic Performance of Primary School Children.

44. Reexamining the Verbal Environments of Children From Different Socioeconomic Backgrounds.

45. Development of Social Working Memory in Preschoolers and Its Relation to Theory of Mind.

46. Let's Talk: Parents' Mental Talk (Not Mind-Mindedness or Mindreading Capacity) Predicts Children's False Belief Understanding.

47. Sometimes It's Good to be Short: The Serotonin Transporter Gene, Positive Parenting, and Adolescent Depression.

48. Parental Autonomy Support in Two Cultures: The Moderating Effects of Adolescents' Self-Construals.

49. Labels or Concepts? The Development of Semantic Networks in Bilingual Two-Year-Olds.

50. Pedagogical Questions in Parent-Child Conversations.