
Showing total 11 results
11 results

Search Results

1. An exploratory study of capacity to change at family level in families with adolescents experiencing emotional and behavioural difficulties.

2. Troubled families: vulnerable families' experiences of multiple service use.

3. Looked-after children and their birth families: using sociology to explore changing relationships, hidden histories and nomadic childhoods.

4. Supporting care‐experienced adults' educational journeys: "Linked lives" over the life course.

5. Supporting unaccompanied asylum‐seeking young people: The experience of foster care.

6. Constrained adoptive parenthood and family transition: adopters' experience of unplanned birth family contact in adolescence.

7. Professional foster carer and committed parent: role conflict and role enrichment at the interface between work and family in long-term foster care.

8. An exploratory study of the impact of an adolescent's eating disorder on Chinese parents' well-being, marital life and perceived family functioning in Shenzhen, China: implications for social work practice.

9. Why and how do parents decide to adopt? A study on motivations and the decision‐making process in becoming an adoptive family.

10. Family contact in foster care in Portugal. The views of children in foster care and other key actors.

11. A comparison of youth resilience across seven South African sites.