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1. SNC Log Symplectic Structures on Fano Products

2. On the Structure of the Schild Group in Relativity Theory

3. Lipschitz Retractions in Hadamard Spaces via Gradient Flow Semigroups

4. Ramsey Number of Wheels Versus Cycles and Trees

5. Exact Morphism Category and Gorenstein-projective Representations

6. Spectral Properties of a Family of Minimal Tori of Revolution in the Five-dimensional Sphere

7. Closure of the Cone of Sums of 2d-powers in Certain Weighted ℓ1-seminorm Topologies

8. On 6-Dimensional Nearly Kähler Manifolds

9. Relative Homotopy in Relational Structures

10. On Density Conditions for Interpolation in the Ball

11. Characterizing Two-Dimensional Maps Whose Jacobians Have Constant Eigenvalues

12. Approximating Positive Polynomials Using Sums of Squares

13. Rigidity of Hamiltonian Actions

14. On the Number of Divisors of the Quadratic Form m2 + n2

15. Non Cohen-Macaulay Vector Invariants and a Noether Bound for a Gorenstein Ring of Invariants

16. Rings With Comparability

17. A Mountain Pass to the Jacobian Conjecture

18. Completion versus removal of redundancy by perturbation

19. On the Linear Invariance of Lindelöf Numbers

20. Nehari–Pohožaev-type ground state solutions of Kirchhoff-type equation with singular potential and critical exponent

21. Cancellation of two classes of dirichlet coefficients over Beatty sequences

22. Volume integral means over spherical shell

23. Definitizable Operators on a Krein Space

24. Asymptotic Expansions of Invariant Metrics of Strictly Pseudoconvex Domains

25. Some matrix inequalities of log-majorization type

26. Non-existence of conformally flat real hypersurfaces in both the complex quadric and the complex hyperbolic quadric

27. Spectrality of Moran Sierpinski-type measures on

28. Vanishing of multizeta values over at negative integers

29. A weak Lefschetz result for Chow groups of complete intersections

30. An estimate for the composition of rough singular integral operators

31. A Pólya–Vinogradov inequality for short character sums

32. Surjective isometries of metric geometries

33. Brill-Noether generality of binary curves

34. Embedding of Dirichlet type spaces into tent spaces and Volterra operators

35. algebra structure on certain Banach algebra products

36. Dyson’s rank, overpartitions, and universal mock theta functions

37. Complete boundedness of multiple operator integrals

38. Finsler Warped Product Metrics with Relatively Isotropic Landsberg Curvature

39. A Complete Classification of 3-dimensional Quadratic AS-regular Algebras of Type EC

40. Growth of Fine Selmer Groups in Infinite Towers

41. Generalized -Einstein Real Hypersurfaces in and

42. Ideals of the Quantum Group Algebra, Arens Regularity and Weakly Compact Multipliers

43. Two-graphs and the Embedded Topology of Smooth Quartics and its Bitangent Lines

44. Metrizability of Holonomy Invariant Projective Deformation of Sprays

45. Spectrality of a Class of Moran Measures

46. Stability of Almost Periodic Nicholson’s Blowflies Model Involving Patch Structure and Mortality Terms

47. Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to Singular p-Laplace Equations of Kirchhoff Type

48. Concordance, Crossing Changes, and Knots in Homology Spheres

49. Non-convex Optimization via Strongly Convex Majorization-minimization

50. The John–Nirenberg Inequality for the Regularized BLO Space on Non-homogeneous Metric Measure Spaces