
Showing total 17 results
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1. Predator-naïve fall field crickets respond to the chemical cues of wolf spiders

2. Reply: Predator-prey ratio dependence and regulation of moose populations

3. Ecological interactions of marine sponges.

4. Factors affecting escape behavior of Iberian green frogs (Rana perezi).

5. On the role of enemies in divergence and diversification of prey: a review and synthesis.

6. Cycle lengths and phase portrait characteristics as probes for predator–prey interactions: comparing simulations and observed data

7. Feeding by Philoponella vicina (Araneae, Uloboridae) and how uloborid spiders lost their venom glands

8. Trade-offs in the choice of refuges by common wall lizards: do thermal costs affect preferences for predator-free refuges?

9. Predation risk and nest-site selection in the Inca tern

10. Determining food requirements in marine top predators: a comparison of three independent techniques in Great Cormorants,Phalacrocorax carbocarbo

11. Prey preferences of Phaeacius malayensis, a spartaeine jumping spider (Araneae: Salticidae) from Singapore

12. Mantis movements by night and the interactions of sympatric bats and mantises

13. Population differences in the schooling behaviour of the Trinidad guppy, Poecilia reticulata: adaptation or constraint?

14. Evidence for a trade-off between defensive morphology and startle-response performance in the brook stickleback (Culaea inconstans)

15. The introduced aquatic macrophyte, Myriophyllum spicatum, as habitat for fish and their invertebrate prey

16. Succession des communautés de gastéropodes dans deux milieux différant par leur degré d'eutrophisation