
Showing total 47 results
47 results

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1. Co-application of wood biochar and paper mill biosolids affects yield and short-term nitrogen and phosphorus availability in temperate loamy soils.

2. Recycled nutrients as a phosphorus source for Canadian organic agriculture: a perspective.

3. The effect of four tillage systems on agronomic properties and soil health indicators in southern Manitoba.

4. Tillage effects on growing season nitrous oxide emissions in Canadian cropland soils.

5. Crop yields under no-till in Canada: implications for soil organic carbon change.

6. An economic review of conservation tillage practices: select case studies from the eastern Prairies of Canada.

7. Short-term response of soil aggregate stability and labile carbon to contour tillage, diversion terrace, grassed waterway, and tile drainage implementation.

8. Ratio of non-growing season to growing season N2O emissions in Canadian croplands: an update to national inventory methodology.

9. Do cover crops on the Canadian prairies affect soil nitrogen cycling?

10. Rationalizing mottling and gleying in the characterization and classification of Canadian soils.

11. Gray Luvisols are polygenetic.

12. Biochar-compost mixture and cover crop effects on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics, yield, and fruit quality in an irrigated vineyard.

13. Ex situ soil respiration assessment using minimally disturbed microcosms and dried-sieved soils; comparison of methods to assess soil health.

14. Revised proposed classification for human modified soils in Canada: Anthroposolic order.

15. Predictive soil mapping in the Boreal Plains of Northern Alberta by using multi-temporal remote sensing data and terrain derivatives.

16. Proposed new soil order — Leptosolic order for Canadian System of Soil Classification.

17. Proposed revision to Canadian System of Soil Classification: broaden taxonomic criteria for applying LFH horizons to include nonforest soils.

18. Antagonistic effect of copper and zinc in fertilization of spring wheat under low soil phosphorus conditions.

19. Soil nitrogen dynamics in canola agroecosystems of eastern Canada.

20. Modelling dissolved phosphorus losses from accumulated soil phosphorus and applied fertilizer and manure for a national risk indicator.

21. Time for nonilluvial Bt horizons?

22. Biochar mitigation of allelopathic effects in three invasive plants: evidence from seed germination trials.

23. The utility of biochar for increasing the fertility of new agricultural lands converted from boreal forests.

24. Short-term impacts of winter bale grazing beef cows on forage production and soil nutrient status in the eastern Canadian Prairies.

25. Soil respiration and net ecosystem productivity in a chronosequence of hybrid poplar plantations.

26. Short-term effects of tillage of long-term no-till on nitrous oxide emissions from two contrasting Canadian prairie soils.

27. Adapting estimation methods of daily solar radiation for crop modelling applications in Canada.

28. Soil structure dynamics in annual croplands under controlled traffic management.

29. Dry matter partitioning and residue N content for 11 major field crops in Canada adjusted for rooting depth and yield.

30. Effect of temperature on the dissipation of seven herbicides in a biobed matrix.

31. Soil science education for Grades K-12 in Canada1,2.

32. Retention and nitrification of injected anhydrous NH3 as affected by soil pH.

33. Proposed classification for human modified soils in Canada: Anthroposolic order.

34. Organic soils of Canada: Part 1. Wetland Organic soils.

35. Luvisolic soils of Canada: Genesis, distribution, and classification.

36. Vertisolic soils of Canada: Genesis, distribution, and classification.

37. Solonetzic soils of Canada: Genesis, distribution, and classification.

38. Gleysolic soils of Canada: Genesis, distribution, and classification.

39. Podzolic soils of Canada: Genesis, distribution, and classification.

40. Organic soils of Canada: Part 2. Upland Organic soils.

41. Brunisolic soils of Canada: Genesis, distribution, and classification.

42. Cryosolic soils of Canada: Genesis, distribution, and classification.

43. A history of soil classification and soil survey in Canada: Personal perspectives.

44. Preferential pathways of phosphorus movement from agricultural land to water bodies in the Canadian Great Lakes basin: A predictive tool.

45. Extracting topographic characteristics of landforms typical of Canadian agricultural landscapes for agri-environmental modeling. I. Methodology.

46. Scale-dependent covariance of soil physical properties above and below a soil horizon interface: Pedogenic versus anthropogenic influences on total porosity.

47. Estimating the impact of manure nitrogen losses on total nitrogen application on agricultural land in Canada.