
Showing total 230 results
230 results

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201. Generalizations of Noshiro's Theorem and Their Applications

202. A Note on a Generic Hyperplane Section of an Algebraic Variety

203. A Generalization of Difference Sets

204. Cohomology Theorems for Borel-Like Solvable Lie Algebras in Arbitrary Characteristic

205. Graphical Regular Representations of Non-Abelian Groups, I

206. Factorization Ladders and Eigenfunctions

207. Partial Solution to Mackey's Problem about Modular Pairs and Completeness

208. A Class of Three-Generator, Three-Relation, Finite Groups

209. On the Semisimplicity of Modular Group Algebras. II

210. Modular Representations of Sn

211. An Algorithmic Solution for a Word Problem in Group Theory

212. Algebraic Approximation of Curves

213. On the Basis Problem for Vector Valued Function Spaces

214. Eigenfunctions of Operator-Valued Analytic Functions

215. Lifting Inductive and Projective Limits

216. On a Type Problem

217. Solution to a Problem of Spector

218. Basic Objects for an Algebraic Homotopy Theory

219. Classes of Functions on Algebras

220. A New Group Algebra for Locally Compact Groups II

221. The Group Ring Of a Class Of Infinite Nilpotent Groups

222. Finite-to-One Open Mappings

223. On the Integral Extensions of Quadratic Forms Over Local Fields

224. Axioms for Elliptic Geometry

225. Compact Operators in Reductive Algebras

226. Autometrized Boolean Algebras II

227. Characterizations of Modules

228. A Theorem Concerning Partitions and its Consequence in the Theory of Lie Algebras

229. Correction to on the Brauer Group of Algebras Having a Grading and an Action

230. On Some Polynomials Of Touchard