
Showing total 18 results
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1. On the Hyperinvariant Subspace Problem. IV

2. Reducibility of the Principal Series for (F) over a p-adic Field

3. On Rings with a Certain Type of Factorization and Compact Riemann Surfaces

4. On the Algebra of Multipliers

5. Subgroups of the Power Semigroup of a Finite Semigroup

6. Representations of Foundation Semigroups and their Algebras

7. Plethysm of S-Functions

8. On the Selmer Group of Twists of Elliptic Curves with Q-Rational Torsion Points

9. Solvable Subgroups and their Lie Algebras in Characteristic p

10. Open and Proper Maps Characterized by Continuous Setvalued Maps

11. Generators of Orthogonal Groups over Valuation Rings

12. Semi-Metrics on the Normal States of a W*-Algebra

13. The Decomposition of the Module of n-th Order Differentials in Arbitrary Characteristic

14. An Inequality Concerning Analytic Functions with a Positive Real Part

15. Variety Invariants for Modular Lattices

16. Eigenfunctions of Operator-Valued Analytic Functions

17. Classes of Functions on Algebras

18. A New Group Algebra for Locally Compact Groups II