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1. Lorentz Estimates for Weak Solutions of Quasi-linear Parabolic Equations with Singular Divergence-free Drifts

2. Constrained Approximation in Sobolev Spaces

3. Acyclicity of Certain Homeomorphism Groups

4. Boundedness of Differential Transforms for Heat Semigroups Generated by Schrödinger Operators

5. Pairs of Consecutive Power Residues

6. Commutators of Operators on Hilbert Space

7. The Expression of Trigonometrical Series in Fourier Form

8. BMO-Estimates for Maximal Operators via Approximations of the Identity with Non-Doubling Measures

9. H∞ Functional Calculus and Mikhlin-Type Multiplier Conditions

10. Finite Cohen–Macaulay Type and Smooth Non-Commutative Schemes

11. On the Sizes of Gaps in the Fourier Expansion of Modular Forms

12. Similarity Classification of Cowen-Douglas Operators

13. Infinite-Dimensional Polyhedrality

14. On the Liouville Property for Divergence Form Operators

15. Frames and Stable Bases for Shift-Invariant Subspaces of L2(ℝd)

16. є-Families of Operators in Triebel-Lizorkin and Tent Spaces

17. Multiparameter Weighted Ergodic Theorems

18. The A.S. Limit Distribution of the Longest Head Run

19. Essentially Commuting Toeplitz Operators With Harmonic Symbols

20. Weighted Hardy Inequalities for Increasing Functions

21. Weighted Interpolation Inequalities and Embeddings in Rn

22. Stochastic Fubini Theorem for Semimartingales in Hilbert Space

23. Representations and Divisibility of Operator Polynomials

24. Relations Between Generalized Growth Conditions and Several Classes of Convexoid Operators

25. The Largest Class of Hereditary Systems Defining a C0 Semigroup on the Product Space

26. Existence and Asymptotic Behavior for a Strongly Damped Nonlinear Wave Equation

27. Local Boundary Behavior of Bounded Holomorphic Functions

28. A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Oscillation of an Even Order Nonlinear Delay Differential Equation

29. A Variational Technique for Bounded Starlike Functions

30. Generators of Nest Algebras

31. Some Extensions of a Theorem of Hardy, Littlewood and Pólya and Their Applications

32. Isometries of Weighted Bergman Spaces

33. Homomorphisms Between Algebras of Continuous Functions

34. On Order Properties of Order Bounded Transformations

35. Compactness and Weak Compactness in Spaces of Compact-Range Vector Measures

36. FK Spaces in Which the Sequence of Coordinate Vectors is Bounded

37. Derivatives and Integrals with Respect to a Base Function of Generalized Bounded Variation

38. Entropies of Sets of Functions of Bounded Variation

39. An Integral Representation for the Product of Spectral Measures

40. A Class of Function Algebras

41. Analytic Toeplitz and Composition Operators

42. Groups with Representations of Bounded Degree

43. On Bounded Matrices with Non-Negative Elements

44. Approximation of Piecewise Continuous Functions by Quotients of Bounded Analytic Functions

45. Functions of Bounded mean Square, and Generalized Fourier-Stieltjes Transforms

46. Generalized Integrals with Respect to Functions of Bounded Variation

47. A Simple Closed Curve is the Only Homogeneous Bounded Plane Continuum that Contains an Arc

48. Sums of Fractions with Bounded Numerators

49. Angular and Tangential Limits of Blaschke Products and their Successive Derivatives

50. The Fredholm Elements of a Ring