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1. Tannakian Categories With Semigroup Actions

2. Ramification of the Eigencurve at Classical RM Points

3. Weighted Carleson Measure Spaces Associated with Different Homogeneities

4. The Ample Cone for a K3 Surface

5. Locally Indecomposable Galois Representations

6. On the Curves Associated to Certain Rings of Automorphic Forms

7. Ward’s Solitons II: Exact Solutions

8. The epsilon constant conjecture for higher dimensional unramified twists of (1)

9. On Homogeneous Images of Compact Ordered Spaces

10. Torsion in thin regions of Khovanov homology

11. Rank conditions for finite group actions on 4-manifolds

12. Integral Kernels with Reflection Group Invariance

13. Homotopy Theory of Diagrams and CW-Complexes Over a Category

14. Large values of Dirichlet L-functions at zeros of a class of L-functions

15. Khovanov–Rozansky homology for infinite multicolored braids

16. On the structure of Kac–Moody algebras

17. Maximal Operator for the Higher Order Calderón Commutator

18. Slice-torus Concordance Invariants and Whitehead Doubles of Links

19. Calabi–Yau Quotients of Hyperkähler Four-folds

20. On the Weak Order of Coxeter Groups

21. The Steklov Problem on Differential Forms

22. Boundary Quotient -algebras of Products of Odometers

23. adic -functions for

24. On the Pointwise Bishop–Phelps–Bollobás Property for Operators

25. On the First Zassenhaus Conjecture and Direct Products

26. Mixed Perverse Sheaves on Flag Varieties for Coxeter Groups

27. Spherical Fundamental Lemma for Metaplectic Groups

28. Local Dimensions of Measures of Finite Type II: Measures Without Full Support and With Non-regular Probabilities

29. The ER(z)-cohomology of Bℤ/(2q) and ℂℙn

30. A Class of Abstract Linear Representations for Convolution Function Algebras over Homogeneous Spaces of Compact Groups

31. Closed Convex Hulls of Unitary Orbits in Certain Simple Real Rank Zero C* -algebras

32. Absolute Continuity of Wasserstein Barycenters Over Alexandrov Spaces

33. New Deformations of Convolution Algebras and Fourier Algebras on Locally Compact Groups

34. Metric Spaces Admitting Low-distortion Embeddings into All n-dimensional Banach Spaces

35. On a Linear Refinement of the Prékopa-Leindler Inequality

36. Equivariant Map Queer Lie Superalgebras

37. The SL(2, C) Casson Invariant for Knots and the Â-polynomial

38. Lyapunov Stability and Attraction Under Equivariant Maps

39. Orthomodular Lattices Which can be Covered by Finitely Many Blocks

40. Root Systems and Cartan Matrices

41. Quotient Spaces Without Bases in Nuclear Frechet Spaces

42. Imprimitive, Irreducible Complex Characters of the Alternating Group

43. Congruence Subgroups of the Picard Group

44. Some Remarks on Eisenstein Series for Metaplectic Coverings

45. Compactification of Hereditarily Locally Connected Spaces

46. Holomorphic Functionals on Open Riemann Surfaces

47. Universal Pettis Integrability

48. Rotundity In Köthe Spaces of Vector-Valued Functions

49. Transferring Results From Rings of Continuous Functions to Rings of Analytic Functions

50. Uniformly Lipschitzian Families of Transformations in Banach Spaces