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1. On the Hyperinvariant Subspace Problem. IV

2. On the Curves Associated to Certain Rings of Automorphic Forms

3. Characters of Depth-Zero, Supercuspidal Representations of the Rank-2 Symplectic Group

4. Factorization in the Invertible Group of a C*-Algebra

5. Automorphisms of the Lie Algebras W* in Characteristic 0

6. A Schensted Algorithm Which Models Tensor Representations of the Orthogonal Group

7. A Class of Abstract Linear Representations for Convolution Function Algebras over Homogeneous Spaces of Compact Groups

8. Imprimitive, Irreducible Complex Characters of the Alternating Group

9. On the Hankel and Some Related Transformations

10. Subgroups of the Power Semigroup of a Finite Semigroup

11. Proximal Analysis and Boundaries of Closed Sets in Banach Space. Part II: Applications

12. Tubes, Cohomology with Growth Conditions and an Application to the Theta Correspondence

13. On the Word Problem for Orthocomplemented Modular Lattices

14. Beyond the Enveloping Algebra of sl3

15. Representations of Foundation Semigroups and their Algebras

16. Extending Algebras to Model Congruence Schemes

17. Redfield's Theorems and Multilinear Algebra

18. Strict Topologies for Vector-Valued Functions

19. On Open Extensions of Maps

20. Generation of Local Integral Orthogonal Groups in Characteristic 2

21. Rings with Finite Norm Property

22. Representations Subduced on an Ideal of a Lie Algebra

23. Szegö Polynomials on a Compact Group with Ordered Dual

24. On the Generality of the AP-Integral

25. Finiteness of Semigroups of Operators in Universal Algebra

26. An Elementary Proof of a Theorem About the Representation of Primes by Quadratic Forms

27. On a Theorem of Beurling and Livingston

28. Some Remarks Concerning Categories and Subspaces

29. Integral Extensions of Commutative Banach Algebras

30. Semi-Prime Modules

31. Systems of equations and generalized characters in groups

32. Some Results on Quadrics in Finite Projective Geometry Based on Galois Fields

33. Logarithmic Capacity of Sets and Double Trigonometric Series

34. Boundedness of Calderón–Zygmund Operators on Non-homogeneous Metric Measure Spaces

35. Reducibility of the Principal Series for (F) over a p-adic Field

36. Verma Modules over Quantum Torus Lie Algebras

37. Uniqueness of Shalika Models

38. Prehomogeneity on Quasi-Split Classical Groups and Poles of Intertwining Operators

39. On Reducibility and Unitarizability for Classical p-Adic Groups, Some General Results

40. Klyachko Models for General Linear Groups of Rank 5 over a p-Adic Field

41. Matrices Whose Norms Are Determined by Their Actions on Decreasing Sequences

42. On Certain Classes of Unitary Representations for Split Classical Groups

43. Decomposability of von Neumann Algebras and the Mazur Property of Higher Level

44. A Steinberg Cross Section for Non–Connected Affine Kac—Moody Groups

45. Generalized Reductive Lie Algebras: Connections With Extended Affine Lie Algebras and Lie Tori

46. Relative Darboux Theorem for Singular Manifolds and Local Contact Algebra

47. Reducibility of Generalized Principal Series

48. On Local L-Functions and Normalized Intertwining Operators

49. Duality and Supports of Induced Representations for Orthogonal Groups

50. Equivariant Formality for Actions of Torus Groups